Letter to all Branches------A Fake?

by miner 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • miner

    Many of you are no doubt familiar with the Nov.1, 2001 "letter to all branches" putting forth the the library card defense. (the letter can be seen at: http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69/wtresponse.html
    Can anyone out there provide reasons why you think this "letter to all branches" is authentic.

  • messenger

    The letter is not an email letter it is a scan of a snail mail letter. Your elder friend is covering for the organization. Regarding the letterhead, the wt has several letterheads with all the different corporations around the world and in the USA. Why don't you ask your elder friend to call WT and ask if it is authentic? Internal Branch correspondence has its unique letterhead you see, most will never see it as it is only seen by those in charge who view these directives.

  • Lionel_P_Hartley
  • biblexaminer

    Adolf Hitler would have been pleased to have such "obedient" men as are JW elders. They do whatever they are told without thinking. They defend their Fuhrertower without reason, just blind devotion. Facts of the Jewish horrors made no difference, and when thrown into a situation where they hade to rape, torture and kill, they went blindly along.

    Then after, they said "we were just following orders".... The Court in the Hague didn't buy it and had them executed!


  • badwillie

    The wording on this letter is essentially the same as one I have in my possesion (addressed to me) which is on the "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" letterhead.

  • hawkaw

    As Ronald Regan said - verify.

    Therefore get your elder buddy to write the WTS or phone them. You will get the exact same reposnse on whatever corporate letter head you like.

    BTW - the letter is NOT A FAKE.


  • OhHappyDay

    I sent a copy to bethel with a letter and they never answered me,what they would have loved to do if the letter would be a fake.

  • jamaica

    It IS NOT a fake. The elder that I WAS studying with wrote to the WT and got the same thing back in letter form...word for word. that was 1 week ago. The UN and Silent lamb has caused me to cease study, never to return

  • Nassau

    In Portugal all brotherhood even said that this "UN scandal" is a complete fake launched by the WTS's enemies! I am not surprised with the reaction from this poor blind programmed elder.

  • DIM

    this letter is not a fake...it is word for word the response that "badwillie" received....it is a form letter for anyone who asks about the UN connection. pathetic pathetic pathetic.

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

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