Clarifications on the 2010 Generation Overlap

by pirata 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pirata

    Yet another generation thread... But this clears up quite a bit of the ambiguity in the watchtower/outline explanations

    In "Remain in the Secret Place of the Most High", the closing talk of the 2010 District Convention, the following clarifications were made on the 2010 generation overlap:

    • The generation spoken of in Exodus 1:6 includes all those mentioned whose lives overlapped (Joseph, brothers, children, grandchildren). If a grandchild was born after Joseph died, he would not have been considered part of that generation.
    • The generation is said to be anointed ones because in 1914 the only hope was the heavenly hope
    • There are two overlapping groups of anointed ones.
    • The first group are the anointed ones who saw understood the significance of the events in 1914.
    • The time during which the person is anointed (not their lifespan) is relevant to the overlap [ I am assuming that to be anointed means that one is baptized AND has the heavenly calling. In this case Brother Barr would not have been counted in the first group since, although he was born before 1914, he was not yet anointed. This is further suggested by the illustration given in the outline of Frederick Franz who was baptized before 1914. ]
    • The second group are anointed ones who see the great tribulation, whose lives [as anointed ones] overlap with the first group.
    • We don't know how many are around from the first group
    • There is only ONE overlap
  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    There is only ONE overlap

    Until the next time they're forced to make an adjustment.

  • blondie

    pirata, I do believe that Fred Franz was baptized in 1913, just making the cut.

    BTW, Rutherford wrote about the Elijah class and the Elisha class which took over in 1928 from the early anointed. So this is not a new idea because remember the WTS taught that the anointed would go to heaven in 1914.

    Addition: the Elisha class took over in 1919 and was given a "double portion" of what Elijah received.

  • snowbird



  • mrsjones5

    There is only ONE overlap

    I think this is the first of many more overlaps.

  • pirata
    I think this is the first of many more overlaps.

    Mrs. Jones, please save that for future noooo light

  • straightshooter

    Wow thanks for the explanation. Based on previous posts about the new generation explanation, I figured that Armageddon would take place no more than 30 years from now. Based on your explanation that we don't know how many are around from the first group, Armageddon will come no later than 70 years from now. That is really comforting news that I may not get to see Armageddon in my lifetime.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I think this is the first of many more overlaps.

    Exactly. The fact that JWs can still take 1914 seriously anymore is mind-boggling.

  • TD
    We don't know how many are around from the first group.

    How many baptized Bible Students (i.e. Adults) from 96 years ago could still be around?

  • pirata

    How many baptized Bible Students (i.e. Adults) from 96 years ago could still be around?

    Yes, that statement was a bit bizarre. I can't remember the exact wording, but the speaker also followed up with the statement that if someone was born in 1900 they would be 110 years old now. I didn't quite get the relevance of that, so maybe it was their way of saying that the first group has died off without actually saying it directly.


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