...is going to get his punched out.
Yes, friends, this is another thread about the latest generation teaching. So, if you're sick to death of it, leave now, save yourselves...
Anyhoo... as the WTS has now unleashed on the world the true explanation of generation and what it means for those of us in this time of the end, dubs who accept without question this teaching are 'oohing' and 'ahhing' as the new explanation 'makes so much sense now'.
It does?
How much more simple can you get than, "The generation that was live in 1914 will live to see the start of Armageddon" or even better, "The generation of 1914 will not pass away"?
Yet, now it's not just the generation of 1914, it's an overlapping generation. It has to be explained in detail, with reference back to the Old Testament and the "historical" examples of Joseph and his brothers, just how generations can overlap and yet we're still in the time of the end. And then they go to the trouble of comparing birth years of members of the GB, which on the surface should smack everyone in the head how wrong the previous explanation was, but instead it somehow reinforces that because one old fart was still alive when a younger old fart was born, then we're still in the time of the end? What?
The light obviously has not gotten brighter. It's getting dimmer. More like, the damn bulb's burnt out.
How can you take such a simple explanation of a simple statement and turn into something so convoluted that you have to pull shit outa your ass to explain it and yet have your followers say, "I see...the light's getting brighter"...