just curious
Is George W. Bush Still The Bad Guy Or Does Obama Get To Take Any Blame Yet?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
Obama has been generally successful at forwarding his agenda. Has that agenda been successful? I think we will know more in the coming months. The housing market is still incredibly fragile and Obama's house buying credits have expired. If housing tanks again I think we can say that Obama's plan did not work. However, Obama is trying to fix a problem caused by Bush double term of deregulation. I don't think either political party has any really good ideas. I think we have entered a time of a new reality. Technology makes it possible for companies to create the same output with fewer people. Add to this, the fact that technology also enables companies to hire people who will work for far less than Americans and you have a double whammy that is zapping the American middle class. The good times are over for a while no matter who is in office.
Obama will be running in 2012 "It's Bush's fault I need another 4 years to fix it"... so yes Bush is still the bad guy and if the left can use it as a way not to accept responsibility for anything they will...
I think it was all Reagen's fault, Minimus.
Bush gets blame and Obama will get blame... all presidents get blame. They also get credit for stuff too.
As much as I hoped Obama would be a change for the better, I wasn't expecting some kind of utopia or paradise. He's still a politician. You don't get to be president without having to play the game. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian even, it don't matter... they play the game, they lie, they promise, they renege, they change position, they succeed sometimes, they fail other times.
I never figured out why Obama picked this last time to run... why would anyone want to pick up the pieces of the Bush reign? What a nightmare.
It was about contrasts, UC.
It was about contrasts
Sure, when you're talking about distinct issues or situations, which none were mentioned. So, in that case, I generalized my statement to match the generalization of the original post...which is...all politicians are basically the same...
Bush let his religion get in the way of doing his job, but otherwise did the best he had with Snake Clinton time bombing the economy and the terror attack on 9/11.
Osama Obama is trying to get control of every single industry, and also to ruin the United States and make it a banana republic.
blame for what?
blame for what?
Never mind...