Europe was just a powder keg, waiting to be lit.
by lepermessiah 66 Replies latest jw friends
Europe was just a powder keg, waiting to be lit.
Just as it was when Hitler took over.
Exactly, Syl. That's the expression very often used here - "a powder keg"
The war which started in 1914 was a turning point in history, one of many dozens or even hundreds, depending on what you choose to count. It certainly was not the turning point in history.
Hey, there!
All you historians, come and play!
The whole notion that people were unaware of what was leading up the WW1 is quite incorrect.
Which is how the WTS likes to present the pre-WWI era. They paint it as this serene, peaceful time when all was right with the world. And then! Satan was let loose on the earth and he obviously landed in Europe where he possessed someone to shoot the Archduke Ferdinand and then all hell broke loose.
But Europe had been going through tumultous times for decades which culminated in The Great War.
Even in the US, who tried to stay out of WWI at first there wasn't in any serene or peaceful period nationwide. The War Between the States ended in 1865, the (still) deadliest war in US history. It was only 50 years completed, less time than we are from WWII now. The US was also in the Spainish-American war in 1898. The US was still eradicating Indians in the Indian wars out west up to the late 1880s to 1890 with some battles as late as 1898. If the US was in a peace mode, it was very short lived and not some utopian dream the WTS has presented it as.
They paint it as this serene, peaceful time when all was right with the world. And then! Satan was let loose on the earth and he obviously landed in Europe where he possessed someone to shoot the Archduke Ferdinand and then all hell broke loose.
Nevermind the fact that Ferdinand was shot in June 1914 whereas the WT said that Gentile Times would end in October 1914.
The real genius in Satan's actions was retroactively killing Ferdinand 4 months prior to his being "set loose".
Exactly, UnderCover.
In researching the tumultuous history of the educator, Booker T. Washington, I found out he visited my county (Wilcox) several times, the last being in 1914. One year later, he was dead.
These were certainly no peaceful, idyllic times for African-Americans!
Maybe to the GB, however, not for the world....
The peaceful, serene picture of the world the WT paints in hindsight is even in contrast to what was written in their own publications at the time.