I agree Billy. It is a way to keep the publishers motivated to exert themselves even more in the ministry because they are now in a special campaign.
Jw's and the endless "Special Campaigns" in the field ministry now
by lepermessiah 20 Replies latest jw friends
troubled mind
BUT , But, but .....it is SPECIAL ! ........kind of like ..short bus special
At my district convention last year they mentioned that a few hundred coupons were received (from the back of the tract) for Bible Studies. Since it's somewhat effective they're probably going to keep it up until it stops working. We had a few come to the memorial for the first time who received the tract in their mailbox.
At my district convention last year they mentioned that a few hundred coupons were received (from the back of the tract) for Bible Studies. Since it's somewhat effective they're probably going to keep it up until it stops working. We had a few come to the memorial for the first time who received the tract in their mailbox.
they are good at exaggerating, they probably received 101 coupons for the whole united states and they're making it look like it's local
Mad Sweeney
I agree that they do it because it is the only way to get an average rank and file JW out in service.
Damn, it feels good to not have been in service for months.
There's not even enough parking for the dubs, let alone for any visitors that would get towed.
Ha! Billy, you hit the nail on the head--the DA my relatives are going to is in such a congested area that the Society has hired dozens of buses to take all the attendee congregations and everyone has been told NOT to drive b/c there's NO parking, except for very limited nearby paid parking that you have to ARRANGE IN ADVANCE. But there they go anyway, handing out the invites door to door, like crazy.
I asked them what would happen when all of these householders, motivated by holy spirit, accept the invitation and attend--where the hell would they park, since as worldly people they don't have access to the Society buses nor would they be able to arrange the alternative parking in advance? My relatives just shrugged their shoulders and said, "Oh, well, we don't really expect anyone to actually come (based onthe invitations)."
I was speechless.
This waste serves a few purposes. First, it inflates publisher numbers. Get those children that are on the borderline, and get them in field circus with a waste of paper distribution campaign. Get inactive people out there. Get people to waste more time (staying out until 2:30 in the afternoon instead of noon). Get more people to pio-sneer for two months (these things usually straddle two months). It's an excuse to hound everyone to be out there more than normal, all the time.]
Second, it prevents the witlesses from doing anything else. Invariably, there is some "You might want to have to stay out until 2:30 in the afternoon instead of going in at noon, or go out on days when you normally wouldn't (and really can't)" crap to go along with this waste of paper. While they are doing that, they cannot be getting work done that is work, watching TV, listening to real music (unless it is blasting from one of the houses within the territory), researching the religion online, or actually enjoying their material things. Nor can they get enough sleep: They are stuck doing this work. And, since it's mindless, they never get any mental exercise and become even more witless than they already are.
I consider them as much ado about nothing, just as I considered their 'Special One Day' talks as nothing. Just something to get the gullible scrambling and running in circles.
cult classic
serenity - lol I agree. That was the easiest field service. No pressure. "Take this tract, accept the truth, or die. We don't have time for your crap!" lol
TM and Billy lol about the buses.