No one was feeding into anything. A new person came to the board and was welcomed. She introduced herself and explained what was going on in her household. No one is here to judge, we took what she said at facevalue and offered advice and support. If you can't understand that, oh well.
My First Post
by today 61 Replies latest jw friends
LOL I love how you carchaterize hysteria over reading material as "advice and support". Reading things can cause mental instability. Thats very helpful. LOL. I also love all the defensiveness toward me. Whats wrong? Do I remind you of something or someone uncomfortable? I promise I am a friendly elder. I'm one of the good guys. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. I guess some people just can move on, right mrsjones5? LOL... BOO! did that scare you? If you have moved on then move on and let it go. The main focus should be on Today's daughter getting the help she needs. And spewing nonsense about mental problems being caused by reading material is not helpful. Sadly I wont be able to go back and forth with you for a while since there is a post limit on my account. It pains me to let a woman get the last word (after all I am a misogynistic elder) but theres always tommarow.... Not. I dont indend to waste time with what are obviously your passive agressive issues with all of us still "in".
Focus on the topic. You don't know me and I haven't made any assumptions about you. The topic at hand is about Today, not you or me. You can make your own topic of introduction to the board you know.
Welcome, you have only 1 life. Use it wisely
Dear Mrsjones5, I think what Elderelite was trying to convey is the same very reasonable thought expressed by Cantleave:
Your step daughter's reaction is extreme and is unlikely to be due entirely to her belief system, although an underlying, existing problem may have been exacerbated by the fears instilled by the Watchtower's teachings. Is she getting high quality professional care? She needs it.
I hope you don't mind me saying that, but I think Elderelite and Cantleave where making an important clarification. Although I realize your words stem from your desire to make newbies feel welcome (you also took sides with me on one of my first posts).
By the way, I loved the way you defended Jdub4life?, another new poster, a couple of days ago. Your protective words reassured her immediately.
You know I like you a lot. Love, OLGA.
Elderlite, you are probably one of the 'good elders'. You probably have your heart in the right place.... That being said: Its not just about the daughter and the material she's reading. For you to make it sound like everyone here is blaming her condition on the things she is reading, well, I think maybe you are not understanding correctly. If you truly are an elder, you would know that everything the average jw reads in the WT and Awake mags (and all the other publications by the WTBS)... its like God's voice coming down from heaven and onto paper.
I have NEVER read in the publications that my reading material is actually, literally God's voice directly being printed on the books that I am reading. But C'mon... that's the whole philosophy of the jw's isn't it? This lady's daughter may have a pre-existing condition to make her paranoid or obsessive . Yes, they really should continue getting help from doctors/psychologists/etc.
Today, welcome to this board. It's true, every story has at least two sides to it. From what I've read from your experience, you are in a tight spot! I'm sorry that your husband has disconnected from you. And I'm sorry that your daughter is going through all of this. I can relate somewhat...I was a teenage Jehovah's Witness who believed that God himself was dictating my every move via the WT and Awake publications. On top of that, I had the elders and those older than me who interpreted how I should live my life. While I recognized they were imperfect, I also believed that God Almighty sent them to dictate me.
I would highly recommend reading the books listed in this thread (Steven Hassan is a wonderful author & counselor)
Best wishes to you
Thank you Olga
I think what I took offense to was Elder trying to twist the concern that is being shown to Today's first topic. All was good advice but there was no need for Elder to try and discredit any advice from the fine folks here who may or may not be exjws.
I think Elder should get to know us first before passing judgement.
I feel for Today and her daughter. I have a daughter myself and nothing makes me turn into a mama bear quicker than a threat to my kids.
Dear Mrsjones5: .
awww misjones is still scared and afraid of a little ole elder lurking on a board full of "apostates".... so sad. I truly do pity you, you and all like you who LET your world revolve around something you knew so little about, and now are terrified of anything that reminds you of your foolishness. My point was at least somewhat understood by snap. The fact is it does indeed trivialize the matter by feeding into the nonsense that the daughter went crazy because of what she read. It would seem at least worth a serious look to try to determine if indeed the young lady has a pre-existing condition. To blame it on a WT or Awake magazine is the very definition of trivialize. I cant help but feel so sorry for those who have been so scarred that any thing other than a complete bashing of the "organization" is tantamount to being an apologist. as for the concept that I am "passing judgment"? please. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...etc.ect... Its not judging to suggest that little misjones is terrified that there is an elder on this site and is extremely defensive about it. I am an elder who is still "in" therefore I am bad seems to be the stance she has taken. again, I am one of the good guys. Give me a little time and you'll see I'm OK. as for Snap's point about teens in the "organization"... its true on some level. But every teen goes through a phase where they seek role models outside of their parents. its is understandable that they may gravitate toward elders since they are "in positions of responsibility" as it were. That doesn't make the "organization" evil on any level. I also can state for a certainty that if Today's husband was in my congregation we would be doing everything we could to encourage him to support his family, not just financially but emotionally. It is a sad fact that many men run and hide when a family member is sick. Some do it at work, some in the congregation. Its not right on any level and Today should have all the support she can get from her husband, really they should support each other and work together. Of course misjones will ignore everything I have here expressed but perhaps some will see the reasonableness. the fact is the poor girl seems to need professional help and it wont hurt to get some. trying to scare her and tell her that reading WT's did this is just plain stupid.
Well you would like to believe that I'm afraid of you. Fine it's your fantasy world but I'm not nor have I ever been a baptised jw so to be fearful of you would be ridiculous. You don't and will never have that kind of power baby.
So keep on with your fear mongering and your tirade, it's really quite enjoyable and shows just what kind of person you are.