Justice T.:
Well, im an atheist, so on another day you might me see poke fun at certain christians who have it coming for them by using exactly those examples.
But this particular piece of insanity especially rocked my boat. I mean, they are not putting their holy book on a pedistal here, but mohammed the person who did really strange things according to modern standards.
This extatic cherry picking of places where, if you squint your eyes, it look like he wasnt a totally backwards jerk reminds me of how a certain other religion want you to believe that not shitting in the middle of your camp require divine inspiration.
And say what you want about christianity, but jesus, as he is described, was a pretty forward thinking guy for his time. Not a bad person at all. i cannot think of anything jesus did that wold get him arrested and thrown in jail in our time, for starters.
sorry for not being totally on topic, but i think the campaign is a bit of a joke.