Ah, I'm clear on this now; we can treat barbarians like barbarians without becoming barbarians ourselves...
I am not saying that any of you in favour of the USA's actions in imprisoning alleged Taliban and Al-Quaeda prisoners in Cuba are not entitled to your opinions.
I do note, however, that not one of you has put up an arguement justifying it other than on the basis of opinion or "they're better off than a US prisoner would be in Afghanistan".
No answer to the human rights issue.
No answer to the wisdom of acting like 3rd World despots.
No reaction to the news report that prisoners may have already been beaten.
No justification for due process not being carried out.
No one even gone near the subject of representation by legal council.
No answer to the fact that the USA have scored a propoganda victory against themselves (in the eyes of those countries it is most neccesary to impress upon the US's trustworthiness).
Just "they'd do it to us" or "lock 'em up, I don't care", or "kill 'em quick if there's enough circumstancial evidence at the time, and damn the right to appeal". Your opinions, which you have every right too.
What it's called is a drum-head court, and that isn't justice, no matter how 'bad' someone is. And that is my opinion, which I'm entitled to too.
Please note, I am scathing of the opinions I attack, but not of the people who hold them. I learnt long ago that lovely people can have opinions dimetrically opposed to mine, and still be lovely people. Me feeling this way does not mean I'm better than you, okay? I just want to be clear on that as it's an emotive issue, and I would quite likely want them torn apart by wild horses on CBS at primetime if I had been directly affected.
But justice is not what about we do when we are directly affected.
It is about what we do should do.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...