I assume all the rudeness and attacks here, are because the subject is frightening to you. No one wants to believe that such a valuable thing has such a horrible unknown attached to it. When someone comes along and points it out, it's more comforting to you to attack them, rather than have to face such an unpleasant reality.
I did not once here say don't vaccinate. I did vaccinate. Thus my horrible, experience. Only be knowledgeable, know what to look for, educate yourself on reactions etc. Don't bury your head in the sand and say it doesn't happen. It is not failsafe, and there are more negative reactions out there than you might like to think. Look how many people right here on this thread know at least one person who has had a reaction. Restrangled's son also had a reaction. My own Pediatrician took his daughter to Japan for immunizations, because at that time they had a cleaner vaccine.
PSac, are you aware that the Chicken Pox vaccine wears off? Are you aware that it is much more dangerous for an adult to get it than it is for a child? That previous to the mid '90's, we generally all got Chicken Pox? Normally we are exposed to a virus through the mouth or nose, where the mucous membranes start the immune system's work. Instead of straight to the bloodstream and in to the organs. It's like going through the airport security system or something, there are several checks of ID before you are allowed on the plane.
As for Whooping Cough, it also wears off. You're all susceptible now, even if you were vaccinated.
Pistoff, it wasn't junk science that made me stop my son's vaccinations, it was the two days in the emergency room . Not all vaccines are dead. And there certainly is more than anecdote on the dangers. You obviously are not familiar with the facts/history of this subject. What would make anyone think that vaccines unlike every single drug they advertise, doesn't have side effects?? Are you familiar with Thalidomide?
The only reason I even responded to this thread is because immediately after the OP, the belittling insults began. Do you think it's easy for these parents to make this decision? Do you honestly assume that it is not an absolute heart wrenching stomach churning process?