I'm a really big Eckhart Tolle follower, and recently I was rereading A New Earth and I showed my Dubby this proverb he mentioned, which kind of bothered him when I explained it.
"The hand pointing to the moon is not the moon."
He didn't quite get it, so I explained that it basically means that just because a man, or religion, is pointing out God to you, it doesn't mean you worship the man or religion. He didn't seem to want to debate it because he didn't have an answer or counter point.
Also while explaining the path Tolle shows (pragmatic explainations of age-old beliefs, from Jesus to Buddah, they all said the same things), he said he didn't think Tolle believed in God. I told him that the idea of God he presents are not his ideas, but ancient ones, and that these ideas have made me see that religion has reduced The Lord God to a dirty old man riding on a cloud peeking under bed sheets. Also that if he really thought about it, does it make any sense that the omnipresent, omnipotent, creator of The Universe would have the time to speak to a group of old men in NYC, or that he would ONLY speak through them, out of the millions people on earth? I got a hairy eyeball, but he didn't respond, and shutting that Dub up is no small feat!