I have to agree, you lose alot of credibility coming on a site that you are totally not supposed to and defending things you clearly dont believe in yourself. The discrepancy is between what you are saying and what the WTBTS says. The organization that you support has made it more than clear that you are supposed to stay completely and far away from places like these. I heard a talk that said anyone who does not have a complete heart towards Jehovah is bad association that is to be avoided, in or out of the truth. Is your heart complete towards him? It would seem not. But then again, its a similar pattern to what I have observed in a lot of witnesses. I was surprised to learn once that alot of my witness associates basically had thanksgiving dinner without calling it "Thanksgiving". It was a big joke and not a real big deal because everyone is still making their hours and stuff. What I dont like is the witness mentality that you can somehow earn God's favor and get on his good side by doing all these works with that goal in mind. I guess you justify your association here by defending the truth here, either way, if your under the WTBTS, you arent supposed to be here, you cant argue with that. And as for the GB, I would say that they're worse than a mommy....
Worldly Shunning
by alice.in.wonderland 156 Replies latest jw experiences
If you want to get this personal I'm not persistently professing beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards, I'm simply countering slander that runs rife here. Lay off personalizing strangers. You know nothing about me.
This is not a personal attack of character. And you are correct, I don't know you. But you have stated in other threads that you are an inactive witness. You started this thread justifying shunning by your faith's "administrators" because other religions do it. Then you state you freely associate with DF'd family members. Also, you regularly post on this forum which have DF'd persons as members.
You are selectively choosing which GB-based directives you follow in the name of upholding the truth. Your GB doesn't make allowances for associating with DF'd persons. You are a hypocrite.
Black Sheep
You know nothing about me.
You've made 443 posts without telling us anything about yourself?????????
I don't think so!!!!
"I have to agree, you lose alot of credibility coming on a site that you are totally not supposed to and defending things you clearly dont believe in yourself."
Let's clear this up.
lv chap. 5 p. 54 par. 9 How to Keep Separate From the World
Can the spirit of the world take root in your mind and heart? Yes, but only if you let it do so by lowering your guard. (Proverbs 4:23) Its influence often begins subtly, perhaps by way of associates who may appear to be good people but, in fact, have no love for Jehovah. (Proverbs 13:20; 1 Corinthians 15:33) You can also absorb that evil spirit through objectionable literature, pornographic or [apostate Internet sites], unwholesome entertainment, and highly competitive sports—really, through anyone or anything that conveys the thinking of Satan or his system.
rs p. 36 - p. 37 Apostasy
How serious is apostasy?
2 Pet. 2:1: “These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves.”Job 13:16: “Before him [God] no apostate will come in.”
Heb. 6:4-6: “It is impossible as regards those who have once for all been enlightened, and who have tasted the heavenly free gift, and who have become partakers of holy spirit, and who have tasted the fine word of God and powers of the coming system of things, but who have fallen away [“if they then commit apostasy,” RS], to revive them again to repentance, because they impale the Son of God afresh for themselves and expose him to public shame.”
For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, but [there is] a certain fearful expectation of judgment and [there is] a fiery jealousy that is going to consume those in opposition. Any man that has disregarded the law of Moses dies without compassion, upon the testimony of two or three. Of how much more severe a punishment, do you think, will the man be counted worthy who has trampled upon the Son of God and who has esteemed as of ordinary value the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has outraged the spirit of undeserved kindness with contempt? For we know him that said: “Vengeance is mine; I will recompense”; and again: “Jehovah will judge his people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of [the] living God. Hebrews 10:26-31I can't read minds and hearts and you likewise do not know what I believe aside from what I tell you. If you don't fit this description you're not an apostate.
You can also absorb that evil spirit through objectionable literature, pornographic or [apostate Internet sites], unwholesome entertainment, and highly competitive sports—really, through anyone or anything that conveys the thinking of Satan or his system.
I can't read minds and hearts and you likewise do not know what I believe aside from what I tell you. If you don't fit this description you're not an apostate.
Do you have special dispensation from the GB? The article you quoted gives counsel against internet websites. I'm sure forums that apostates and DF'd persons frequent fall into this category. You are a hypocrite because you are a JW who does not follow the directives of your faith.
Black Sheep
I'm simply countering slander that runs rife here.
Oh, really. Go and have look at your first thread.
we have witnessed the xtian abuses of children, child rape, molestation and other vile acts that reveal the true nature of many xtians and the effects their "god" has upon his followers. The pedophilia scandals are just a small sample of what xtians are capable of.
That's not countering anything. It's attacking Christianity for having policies that you have (and defend) in your own church. An MO that has been consistant for your entire time here.
"I'm sure forums that apostates and DF'd persons frequent fall into this category. You are a hypocrite because you are a JW who does not follow the directives of your faith."
It seems we have a communication problem. Are self proclaimed apostates anything other than a social irritant?
This was stated by one of the brightest contributors in the last forum I participated in:
You think wrongly. While most of the world's smartest people are atheists, there is no wisdom to be found in atheism itself. Atheism is just the condition you find yourself in when you recognize that all of the known arguments for gods are specious. However, many atheists have plenty of wisdom, and wherever wisdom can be found, atheists are there, including in churches. Posted by tony62
Not only is there no wisdom in "apostasy," people seem to have left their brain at the Kingdom Hall when they left the building. I can't even engage in an intelligent conversation without someone dumbing down the conversation. Quit being retarded.
Quit being retarded.
Black Sheep
It seems we have a communication problem. Are self proclaimed apostates anything other than a social irritant?
We didn't invent your 'Mother's' definition of apostate. Your cult defines apostacy for you, and if you bother to take any notice of your cult's supposedly primary religious book (the Bible in case you forgot) their definition isn't scriptural.
Are self proclaimed apostates anything other than a social irritant?
At this moment darling you are the social irritant. How does it feel?