should mothers work?

by sleepy 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    In Australia, employment laws are such that any woman who has a baby is allowed to have 12 months maternity leave (without pay). If she returns before the 12 months is up, that is her decision. When she returns, she is guarranteed to have the same job at the same pay. If she decides she wants a part-time job, or different work, then it is to be decided between her and her employer.

    Some of the larger firms are now offering up to 6 weeks paid maternity leave (with the remainder of the time to be unpaid).

    Also paternity leave is now an option, with some companies offering up to 12 months unpaid leave.

  • sleepy

    I quite supprised that most seam to agree that looking after the children is best if you can.
    I think I was expecting a load of angrey women crying out for the right to work.
    Do you think your views are typical or has your time as a witness effected them ,I wonder?

  • larc

    What I am saying is intuitive with no facts or figures. It seems to me that it very important for the mother to be there when be child is a baby-infant. Once they are bonded with love, and the child becomes more independent of the mother, then the mother can spend less time with the child.

    Humor time: Once the child is 45 years old, it is time to cut them loose.

  • dirty larry
    dirty larry

    bloody oath they should work.I reckon that bein a housemother is just about the most overrated occupation on the planet. Im not talking bullshit. I done it.Spent two years as househubby. House work takes about 3 hours a day I reckon,the fact women make it last all day is demonstration of their bloody inefectuality.
    They house keep like they drive.Indecisive and terrified.
    Women are always lokin for concensus instead of makin a decision. True dinks. the day we stop spoon feedin em in the work place situation and they have to mix it up fair dinkum with the blokes in a business sense, thats the day they go down in flames.

  • Mulan

    I didn't work while my oldest 3 were little. When the youngest was about 8, I started cleaning houses with Princess, to save money for her wedding.

    When my oldest was a baby, I had a chance to go back to school, but cried whenever I thought about not being with him all the time. Those years are too precious to use up in a job, unless you have to do it. Fortunately, I didn't have to.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • GoldDustWoman

    I would like to rephrase the question to ask:

    Should children, especially infants, be left in the care of strangers for up to 10 hours a day?

    I recall watching a news segment a few years ago about picking a “good” daycare center. I remember the dismay, and sadness, I felt when the camera panned to a long line of baby-filled infant swings. Back and forth they swung in unison. I wondered about the percentage of time those little ones had to spend being strapped into those contraptions. There is no way that any daycare can even remotely compare to that of a parent.

    Being a Mother is work. Asking the question whether they should work or not, is mute once the kid arrives. The second one becomes a Mother, it’s too late to pose the question. The job is yours, and it is at times, thankless and tiresome. And I wouldn’t trade it in for anything else in the world!


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