It would take too long to explain how this conversation came about, but my JW sister recently told me that the organization now teaches that you can (she even suggested that you "should") have a relationship with family members who are not JW. She didn't specify whether they meant family who were never JWs to begin with, or what, but in the context of the conversation we were talking about family members raised as JWs but then left (not disfellowshipped or formally disassociated ... just left).
She said they even had a talk about it at the convention this summer, and had an experience of someone who reconnected with family after 10 years. She said they said you should have a relationship with them, even if they never become witnesses.
To be honest, this totally blew me out of the water. I was baptized when I was ten, and quietly left as a an adult, and my relationship with her and my JW family has been quite compliated over the years, but has been quite good for the past 2 or 3 years. I just always thought they finally came their senses about violating that unspoken rule of shunning non-JW family.
Does anybody have any insight on this? Did anyone here anything about this happening at conventions in your area?