I thought it was the lioness that hunted and the lion just slept and ate?
Demons and Their Children
by Darth plaugeis 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought it was the lioness that hunted and the lion just slept and ate?
You forget the part about making other little lionesses also to do the hunting ...
Darth plaugeis
So who's asleep??? God or Satan? Lion or Lioness? LOL
And why didn't Dumbledore take on Voldemort himself instead of expecting Harry Potter to come along and save the day all the time?
And Snape...Whose side was he really on? Can you serve two masters?
It is also impressive that Angels found the daughters of man attractive.
I always wondered about that too.
So sexless angels had sex hormones?
Why did God create them all with male hormones then? Why not mix things up a bit, and create some with female hormones?
Why weren't there any angels who founds the sons of men attractive?