I consider myself agnostic more than anything else, and never really got why abortion is any more a religious issue than any other kind of manslaughter. I believe that it's only okay to kill another human to save yourself. For everybody. I think we also do a lot of irrational tip-toeing around people's feelings on this issue too. Like being against it and thinking that it's wrong, but still wanting people to have the choice to do it anyway, or claiming that only a woman is qualified to make that decision. Before I was a man I was a human. I've never been a conjoined twin, but I feel totally fine in saying that it's wrong for one to choose to kill the other just because it no longer wants the other one attached to its body. I'm sure an unwanted pregnancy sucks and all, but those are the cards you're dealt, ya know? I've been in lots of situations where killing someone would make my problems go away
1) I think killing someone else is always wrong for everybody, unless it's to save your own life.
2) I think that killing someone inside a woman's uterus doesn't magically make it okay. Ever.
3) I don't think you have to be anybody special to have an opinion on what's wrong for everybody.
4) What jesus has to do with any of this remains a mystery to me.