I confess it has for me. When people are nasty to me and agressive i tend to freeze and have no idea what to say!
All those years of being brainwashed into "turn the other cheek" etc etc kick in. I would dearly love to be like some of my freinds who can fire up and really "give em what for!" trouble is i normaly only think of what to say and do about 2 days- 2 years after the event.
Sometimes to my shame, i don't even notice they are being horrible! Well in my defence i did grow up in the JW's... people being horrible to me was everyday life!
Trouble is when i freeze, it gives the other person full license to be even more horrible. Oh and thanks to being a Brit... i can't even cry on cue and make them embarssed!
My only defence is to walk off... and i'm not very good at that:( And then what ever nasty thing they said to me tends to bounce around in my head untill somewhere subconcoiusly i start thinking " maybe what they said was true?" Even though i know logicaly that its definatly not!
Oh Dear! What a mess!