Would taking the Harp book from the KH library be stealing?

by EndofMysteries 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    I went to older congregations that had quite complete libraries with books going back to the Studies in the Scriptures. They were quite proud of that and no indication was given that they would trash them. Most jws hardly read the current pubs, why draw attention to the older ones by tossing them? I did take out the duplicates though for my personal library.

  • Palimpsest

    Until your congregation pays off its loan to the WTBTS, you're technically a part owner of it, right?

    I would normally be absolutely opposed to something like this, but they're literally trashing a huge amount of history. I say, preserve it.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    You can always purchase it.....by leaving the cost or equal to it...in the contribution box.....

  • blondie

    Now that the congregations are set up as nonprofit corporations, no one in the congregation owns part of it. Even the WTS doesn't unless it dissolves the congregation.

    Many of these older books are available on amazon.com and alibris.com

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Leave it there for someone else to find to help their exit.

    Download a copy for yourself.





  • EndofMysteries

    The 'REASON' for my thinking of taking it, is because I've noticed how almost all books are being done away with, as we have the computer / internet age. If they elders are under orders to trash it, along w/ pre 1950's WT, this is ERASING HISTORY. The reason so much controversy with the bible is the lack of written record. We all know people were burned to the stake w/ bibles.

    I don't NEED a copy. I see in the future, people may say these scanned / internet copies are photoshopped and fake. So it's important for us to PRESERVE the originals. I have no use for another book to collect dust, it's only to make sure it doesn't get destroyed. I have no intention of selling, or using for personal reasons.

    I guess I'll just ebay one one of these days, since nobody can confirm the book will be trashed if an elder knows its there.

  • EndofMysteries

    I DO know that all pre 1950's WT just as in the WT library were told to be trashed. I'm gonna see if I can find that in a KM announcement.....

  • villabolo

    EndofMysteries says:

    I don't NEED a copy. I see in the future, people may say these scanned / internet copies are photoshopped and fake. So it's important for us to PRESERVE the originals. I have no use for another book to collect dust, it's only to make sure it doesn't get destroyed. I have no intention of selling, or using for personal reasons.

    I totally agree. Authenticity is the most important thing.

  • blondie

    *** km 2/03 p. 5 New Arrangement for Kingdom Hall Libraries ***

    For many years now, congregations throughout the world have benefited from the use of their Kingdom Hall library, formerly called Theocratic Ministry School library. In the past, it was deemed necessary that each congregation acquire its own library. However, with many Kingdom Halls now being used by more than one congregation, some of which are foreign-language congregations, it seems best to have only one well-equipped, up-to-date Kingdom Hall library per language group in each Kingdom Hall. In Kingdom Halls that have more than one auditorium, each auditorium should have a library for each language group meeting there.

    It is expected that this arrangement will help conserve space and expense. Moreover, merging the libraries of two or more congregations will most likely bring about better libraries. As these are combined, duplicate copies of books may be stored and later used when new Kingdom Halls are built. If the Kingdom Hall is equipped with a computer with WatchtowerLibrary on CD-ROM, some may find this tool very beneficial.


    Interestingly, jws that handle the literature will tell you that no matter how old a publication, they don't "trash" them but they are used in a January placement program. Even yellowed books are not tossed. I have no doubt that some elders in individual congregations might have given a "trash" command; but it was not from the top.


    *** km 1/94 p. 7 Announcements ***Literature offer for January: Any 192-page book printed on paper that yellows or discolors or any published prior to 1980

    For each Kingdom Hall library, one brother, preferably one of the Theocratic Ministry School overseers, will serve as the librarian. He should progressively add appropriate publications to the collection, neatly marking the inside cover of each one to show that it belongs to the Kingdom Hall library. At least once a year, he should check the library for completeness and ensure that the publications are in good condition. Publications from these libraries should not be taken out of the Kingdom Hall.

    The Kingdom Hall library continues to be greatly appreciated by all those associated with the congregation. May we show that we personally value this provision by taking care of it and by using it to search out "the very knowledge of God."—Prov. 2:5.

  • EndofMysteries

    I can't find it, but where was the announcement, unless it was a letter not published, but just read, that along the lines of what Blondie posted, keeping the WT library up to date and not cluttered to remove WT volumes earlier then 1950?

    I'd be surprised if any of you would find a hall with ones pre 1950.

    The most important ones though will be the real eye openings, thy kingdom come, harp, etc. Anything talking bout pyramids and 1874 date.

    The generation WT announcements would be good too.

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