The PERFECT Translation...for Churchoids!

by theMadJW 723 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Juli

    It is human nature to guess. It is not human nature to insist that people believe infallibly in fallible people who guess. It is not human nature to disfellowship those who voice their doubts about these "guesses". It is not human nature to preface writings with statements like "these are God's words...God's dates...God's prophecies". Those things are the mark of an organization drunk with the taste of power over other human beings. These are the hallamrks of a place very far from God.

  • theMadJW

    Infallability is Catholic- alieb to us.

    Cantjapeople EVER stick to topic????

  • Juli

    Infallibility is not just a 'Catholic" thing. It is much more a JW thing that Catholicism. Catholics have very specific, stringent rules for what may be declared infallible. With the Watchtower, as soon as it hits print in the rags, it's as if Jehovah himself spoke it and the Witnesses better toe the company line.

    Which of the 80+ study questions may a baptismal candidate disagree with openly and still be considered for baptism?

  • theMadJW

    Such circular illogic!

    So, one should be allowed to be baptised- with the chance of being DFed- if NOT believing as we do?????

    How Evil and Wicked of us! heh.

    Topic, please!

  • Juli

    I am replying to your post #480. This is not a Watchtower meeting where the answer is regurgitated from the text, rather than sparking an original thought. Go to the Hall if you want that sort of interaction. You will ALWAYS stay on topic there - there is no deviation.

    You could not state the things you say here ( 1919 is goofy and 1914 is beginning to look like another mistake ) as a candidate for baptism and not expect to have your baptismal request denied.

    In order to be baptised, in order to be a member in good standing, you must believe perfectly in imperfect people and their writings in the Watchtower magazine. Anything else is, at the least, running ahead of Jehovah; at worst, apostacy.

  • isaacaustin

    Madjw said: So, one should be allowed to be baptised- with the chance of being DFed- if NOT believing as we do?????

    My reply: All that Philip seemed to require was the eunuch believing in Jesus. Read Acts and you will see that top be the common theme on believers.

  • theMadJW

    Spirit/ruach/breath, unseen force...that's ACTIVE!

  • theMadJW

    No childish comment????

  • theMadJW

    I'm SO dis-illusioned!

  • theMadJW

    Where, O Where have the Anti-JWS all gone, O Where O Where can they beeeeeeeeee?

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