I was thinking that the term "Premarital Sex" is actually making an assumption

by gubberningbody 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • inkling
    Anyone else find the sincerity of this phrase increasingly implausible?
    No. I see Shelby as a sincere and caring person. Hence, dear one. It is simply a term of endearment, because she does care. She would not wish you ill, Inkling.

    Ok, I'll take your word for it.

    Sorry if I offended, no harm meant.


  • beksbks

    Hey Ink! Am I wrong, or have you been absent? I always appreciated your pov

  • tec

    You didn't offend, Inkling. I wasn't certain about her the first time I read one of her posts. But she had some staunch defenders in other posters whom I had come to respect (and posters I would not expect to defend her, as well). They gave me the cause to reconsider my original 'snap' judgment.

    I'm glad I did, and I'm happy to be able to do the same. And by your response, Inkling, you sound like a sincere person, yourself.

    (I hope that doesn't come off as condescending. It isn't meant to be. You've been around here a lot longer than I have, and I totally respect that.)


  • inkling

    Hey Ink! Am I wrong, or have you been absent?

    I believe the term is "inactive"
    You didn't offend, Inkling. I wasn't certain about her the first time I read one of her posts. But she had some staunch defenders in other posters whom I had come to respect (and posters I would not expect to defend her, as well). They gave me the cause to reconsider my original 'snap' judgment.

    Ok, I guess I was unaware of the history. If AGuest really is sincere, than I don't have much by way of response, except that I find it deeply sad that such sincere kindness and concern for the wellbeing of strangers is welded to so much nonsensical superstition.

    (I hope that doesn't come off as condescending. It isn't meant to be. You've been around here a lot longer than I have, and I totally respect that.)

    No, I understand. I have a tendency to be a bit of a jerk on the internet some times. Reading to much PZ Myers I suppose.

    And if you are still reading this AGuest, I'm sorry I was mean. I thought you were a troll-in-resident.


  • AGuest

    I am still reading, dear Inkling (again, peace to you!)... and please know that I took absolutely no offense. I totally understand why you would find me... ummmm... hard to take and/or unbelievable. The thing with me is that I don't have a problem showing love... whether in what I post... say... or do. To those I know... as well as to complete strangers. It is one of the TRUE FREEDOMS that I have come to possess as a result of knowing my Lord. Now, I can SAY "I love you." I can SHOW that I love. I can wish others peace... without feeling that doing so takes ANYTHING from me. It is not a weakness... but a strength about myself that I have come to appreciate. And it was a long time coming, I must say.

    Prior to the WTBTS showing love was, for me, well, "corny." Well, it really wasn't for me, but it was for pretty much everyone I knew and so I "learned" to look at it that way, too. To please them. To be accepted by them. As a result I, too, came to believe that none those who did show it were really sincere (and, admittedly, many weren't - they just wanted to appear "loving" and knew how to turn it on... and off... as they needed). Not all, of course - some really were sincere.

    When I was inside the WTBTS showing love was... well, "reserved" for those I "loved" and who "love(d)" me. Meaning, fellow JWs... and those only. Couldn't even love family, if they weren't JWs; not really.

    When I was led out, though... one of the FIRST things that I learned from my Lord was not only that I could love anyone... indeed, everyone... I wanted... regardless of their... or my... whatever... but that I MUST love everyone. Regardless of their... or my... whatever.

    There is a freedom in that, dear one, a TRUE freedom... that I cannot describe but I am forever grateful for. A TRUE uplifting. A "load" lifted off. And my heart REJOICES in that, as well as a great many other things such freedom has taught... and afforded me.

    And so, while I understand that YOU don't understand ME... my love... for YOU... for others... for Christ... for God... and so respond as YOU do as a result... it truly doesn't bother me at all. I would MUCH rather spend my time and energy hoping that one day you will get me. And explaining to you in the meantime why I believe as I do... why I rejoice as I do.. is, IMHO, something I would MUCH rather do... then expend one second being offended at things that really aren't intended TO offend if you really get down to it.

    So, NO worries. And no apology necessary, none at all. We are "cool," truly.

    Again, peace to you... and may JAH bless!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • thenoblelodge

    What I have come to understand about AGuest is this;

    No matter how nasty, rude, aggressive you are towards her, she will still come back and say she loves you.

    When ones attack her (which they do and often) I always think to myself 'your wasting your time, you'll not rile her.'

    She's cool and I for one enjoy her posts. She's totally trustworthy.

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