Youtube video on new brochure "The Origin of Life"
by Designer Stubble 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Very well done ! , I like the measured tone.
Those books that he listed do NOT say the human body is sinful. What a freaking liar! You NOTICE he doesn´t SHOW the page in the book where it ACTUALLY says that. So some reverse crap on him! He says the brocheure doesn´t quote any Scienctists but then he doesn´t QUOTE garbage that he is saying.
CLASSIC apostate junk!
Bane, how are you liking your stay on
Oh Issac, Don´t you mean w.wehatejehovah´
I think that is a more appropiate title don´t you think?
This site has nothing to do with Jehovah´s witnesses. Just bitter hacks who cannot move on. They in their minds, LOVE getting raped over and over again. So sad really.
I don't think you can have apostrophes in web addresses.
Hmmm, do you tell people who go to support groups for being molested as children to move on?
Just curious.
Bane, you are doing so well on! Please, continue to share more.
Tuesday, SO EVERY one here was MOLESTED? Every single member? I know Issac, Mrsjones, and Outlaw PROBABLY have but ALL here have?
Bane, is that why you have come to We are hear to listen.
Tuesday, SO EVERY one here was MOLESTED? Every single member? I know Issac, Mrsjones, and Outlaw PROBABLY have but ALL here have?
Yay for straw men. You couldn't see the correlation eh? OK I'll spell it out for you since you're apprantly too inept to figure it out. If someone had been molested as a child you wouldn't tell them to simply get over it and move on with their lives. If they were discussing it with other molestation victims you wouldn't go on their board and tell them that they like to talk about it because they want to be raped over and over again.
Similarly you wouldn't tell something like that to someone who was physically abused, or verbally abused as a child. In this case here you're coming on to a board filled with ex-cult members who were victims of a cult mind control. Many were emotionally abused, spiritually abused, some were molested, etc.
So now let me ask you more specifically; do you go on victims of child abuse web sites to tell them to move on with their lives? How about Mormon victims of shunning who have lost their families? Would you like some website addresses so you can go tell them to move on with their lives as they can't speak to their close family members anymore? How about scientologists, they could be a victim of Fair Game where the religion actively attempt to ruin their lives. I can send you links to forums if you'd like to go tell them to move on with their lives. How about forums for victims of physical abuse? Women who have been in emotionally abusive relationships, or physically abusive relationships? Do you want some links to go tell them to move on with their lives and stop speaking with others about it?
If you're willing to do this and post the messages here then I'll be more than willing to believe you're not a hypocrite. Otherwise you're just talking out of your ass because it's your religion we're talking about.