OMG....can you believe the audacity of this symposium?
Symposium “Do not be contaminated by…”The Wild Beast”…”The Great Harlot”…”The Traveling Merchants”
Say Whaaaat??? Contaminated, you mean like being a DPI/NGO of the United Nations, that kind of contamination???? The utter gual and hypocrisy of such a talk would lead me to barf on the spot.
Curi Alcino says, "Don't join the YMCA to swim at the pool, but we'll hop in bed with the United Nations for a few perks we want, and we'll just say we're using the library." Hahahaha!!! What a freakin riot!!
Also, traveling merchants. What, you think a CO or DO isn't a traveling merchant? They get to travel all around their area and be treated like royalty, all the while selling crap and living off of the kindness of the pee-ons beneath them. Sounds like a pharasicital traveling merchant to me?????
I swear, I don't know how a thinking, rational, educated person could stomach such utter bullshit.
- Wing Commander