I was an adult, with 2 children, and when we went to these Conventions I brought Playstation with me. Why??
They were so boring, how could anyone attempt to pay attention and enjoy it. I slept every talk, every Drama, (and by the way what the hell is great about the Drama, why would ANYONE look forward to that)
I brought the Playstation because when the wife had friends over, I had something to entertain myself, while they went over that horrific experience again in great detail.
So Brother Plaugeis that 7 part Special Talk that ran 95 minuets really showed the need to get more involved in the Ministry, did you find any points that showed your need to improve??
Yes it was a good point...............I liked......................when the speaker..................................................TOUCHDOWN YOU BASTARDS LOOK AT THAT 95 YARDS AND NO ONE TOUCHES ME DARTH! DARTH! DARTH! Hey Dave, stop bothering me go sit the girls..... Jesus grow a pair!!