The JW's don't subscribed to the young earth philosophy. They say however that the human race is 6000 years old.
Stephen Lett - GB at convention yesterday
by tresdecu 18 Replies latest jw friends
@ cantleave ... Thanks, guess I had understood "our" (lol) belief about the age of the earth to be 6000 years old, so when Lett brought that out, I thought it was something new. shows how much I know!
Side note: talked to 2 couples (30 somethings y.o.) typical r&f, and they are on the post convention guilt trip. One of the couples canceled dinner plans because they want to have their fam. worship night and talk about "goals". The other couple just talked to us about the strong counsel that they got..."we really need to get our act together" .................. omg :-( it's working
cyberjesus just look up (1 Kings 18:27) 27 And it came about at noon that E?liā²jah began to mock them and say: "Call at the top of YOUR voice, for he is a god; for he must be concerned with a matter, and he has excrement and has to go to the privy. . .prolly sums up teds activities
Do you think who ted met whit franz Ray there in heaven ??'
much busy cannot answer..:)
glossy brochures were released. "printed on high quality paper"
Probably too many people were using them as toilet paper............
The JW's don't subscribed to the young earth philosophy.
They used to say that the earth was less than 50,000 years old. It's in their publications. And they have never officially retracted that teaching. They just stopped mentioning it and have tried to realign their teachings to make creationists look unreasonable.
What irks me is... when talking about millions and millions of years, what's the difference between 10,000 years and 50,000 years? Not much. Yet, the WTS labels the creationists as out-of-touch when they themselves just a few years ago were painting the universe with basically the same brush as creationists.
Sneaky lying bastards.
They just stopped mentioning it and have tried to realign their teachings to make creationists look unreasonable.
But with typical dishonesty, as Undercover says, they did not come out and clearly retract the 7,000 year creative days or clearly say exactly what the new thinking is.
And I think it will be a very cold day in the depths of hell when they give up the "man has only been here 6,000 years" chronology - regardless of what spin they put on the length of the creative days. Too much invested in that over the past 130 years.
Designer Stubble, I love that video. Especially the conclusion that 43 "kinds" of mammals stepping off the ark must have evolved faster than evolution theory states in order to become the current 4000 or so "kinds" if WT is right.