WT explanations (circular)
*** it-2 p. 228 Leader, Noble, Prince ***Jesus is referred to as “Messiah the Leader” and “a leader and commander to the national groups,” at Daniel 9:25 and Isaiah 55:4. He counseled his disciples: “Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader [ka·the·ge·tes′] is one, the Christ.” (Mt 23:10) As regards the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ is the only one rightly bearing the title “Leader,” because no imperfect human is the leader of true Christians; they follow Christ. While there are those who ‘take the lead’ in God’s service, they are not titled “leader” or addressed as such, and their example is to be followed only as they imitate Christ.—1Co 11:1; Heb 13:7.
*** w63 2/15 p. 107 par. 13 Walking with God ***This “slave” provides leadership and spiritual food by means of appointed servants, meetings of various kinds and printed publications.
*** w61 6/1 p. 339 par. 17 Loving Use of What We Are Given ***No doubt is left that the overseers in the New World society today have the greatest responsibility in the building program. They must be trainers and teachers, setting good examples of leadership in the field and continually interested in young and old, men and women, yes, all the individuals making up the New World society today.
*** w59 6/15 p. 363 par. 7 Shepherding the Sheep with Skillfulness ***For one to give good advice, an overseer must be “nourished with the words of the faith” and follow closely “right teaching.” Then he can shepherd the flock of God skillfully. “He that presides [acts as leader], let him do it in real earnest; he that shows mercy, let him do it with cheerfulness.” (Rom. 12:8, footnote) An overseer must “act as leader” if he is selected to preside over the congregation.
I always wondered, isn't a leader one who leads? Isn't "taking the lead" one who leads, make the elders "leaders"?