The part about the GB comes in the previous verses, dear booby (may you have peace!). To wit:
"I am the door of the sheep. All those that have come in place of me are thieves and plunderers; but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved, and he will go in and out and find pasturage.The thief does not come unless it is to steal and slay and destroy. I have come that they might have life and might have it in abundance. I am the fine shepherd; the fine shepherdsurrenders his soul in behalf of the sheep.The hired man, who is no shepherd and to whom the sheep do not belong as his own, beholds the wolf coming and abandons the sheep and flees—and the wolf snatches them and scatters them— because he is a hired man and does not care for the sheep." John 10:7-13
In the early days of the Body of Christ, the "hired man" was the Levite priests... who, rather than come to aid and intervene when they KNOW the sheep are being abused, mistreated, and unkindly, unlovingly, HYPOCRITICALLY and thus wrongly... judged... by, at that time, the scribes and Pharisees (i.e., the wolves... in sheep's clothing)... left the sheep to that end, so that, as a result, they are "snatched" and "scattered."
TODAY... with regard to the WTBTS... the "hired man" is the GB... who, rather than come to the aid of the sheep... when they KNOW the sheep are being abused, mistreated, and unkindly, unlovingly, HYPOCRITICALLY, and thus wrongly judged... by the DOs, COs, and "elders" (again, WOLVES... in SHEEP'S CLOTHING)... leave the sheep to such ones, so that they are, again, snatched... and scattered.
They did it then because it was actually the Pharisees who "ran" the temple. As those "trained in the Law," they lorded it over the priests by resting on the premise that they KNEW MORE than the priests. Rather than stand up to them, however, the priests let the Pharisees (and Sadducees... and Sanhedrin)... run things.
They do it today... with regard to the WTBTS... because, again, it is the "Pharisees" (i.e., NON-anointed religious leaders) who actually run things and so lord it over such "priests" (the "anointed" GB - yeah, right) by resting on the premise that they know more than the "anointed" (by means of their "knowledge" of the WTBTS "laws"). And, just as back then, rather than STAND UP to these "pharisees," the so-called "priests" that are the GB... let the "pharisees" (which includes acting as "Sanhedrins" and so sitting in judgment ove God's sheep)... run things.
By DOING this, they (the GB)... and ALL those inside her who profess to be "anointed" (and thus, members of the Body and Bride of Christ)... constitute themselves ADULTRESSES... as to their supposed "husbandly owner," Christ. By following the "law" OF ANOTHER (i.e., the WTBTS)... they COMMIT FORNICATION... with the "kings"... OF THE EARTH... and thus PROFANE the very "union" they claim to be a part of. They are, therefore, part of Babylon the Great... the MOTHER... of the Harlots.
I exhort such ones: get OUT of Her and QUIT touching that UNCLEAN thing!
I bid you all peace.
A slave of Christ,