Snark away, Tammy.
I do believe that when we die we will go to heaven or hell. I'm hoping for heaven. That being said, I really couldn't care less when this life ends except for a few things:
a. I want my house to be spotless when I die. I don't want people coming in after I die and saying I'm not a good housekeeper. (Family of origin issues, people.)
b. I want all of my financial affairs in order.
c. I want my children's futures settled, i.e., who will take care of them, since they're handicapped.
This life is a preparation for the next. Why would I want this one to go on forever giving how difficult this life is? Catholics believe that each individual chooses heaven or hell for himself. Since I choose heaven and hope never to change my mind, I can't see why i'd want to prolong this life beyond what is necessary.
On another note.....I think that the JW religion, focusing on living forever on Earth and everything the JWs will have in the New World, is a very materialistic religion. They don't care that they'll never meet Jesus face to face or see God. They just want to take it easy and have plenty of food, good weather, and a nice home for eternity. There's nothing spiritual about the future plans of the JWs, it's all materialistic. Not very much in line with Christianity.