So there is nothing negative to be said about jws? Are they perfect? Because it is negative does it mean it is a lie?
"Wisdom Is Proved Righteous by Its Works"
1. How is our work perceived by some?
1 At times we may encounter a negative response from householders who misunderstand us or who have been misinformed about Jehovah's Witnesses. Perhaps their viewpoint has been influenced by biased media reports. In some places we have even been labeled "a dangerous sect." How should we react when faced with such criticism?
2. What will help us to avoid discouragement when faced with criticism?
2 Maintain a Positive Attitude: Jesus and other servants of Jehovah in the first century were often misunderstood and maligned. (Acts 28:22) Yet, they did not allow criticism to make them feel ashamed of their ministry. Jesus said: "Wisdom is proved righteous by its works." (Matt. 11:18, 19) He continued doing his Father's will with zeal, confident that the value of the good news would be apparent to truth seekers. We can avoid discouragement by remembering that God's own Son experienced similar treatment.
3. Why should negative reports and opposition not surprise us?
3 Jesus indicated that the world would hate his followers just as it hated him. (John 15:18-20) Therefore, negative reports and opposition today should not surprise us. In fact, we should expect such things to become more common the deeper we move into the last days and the more Satan's anger intensifies. (Rev. 12:12) We can rejoice in this indication that Satan's world is running out of time.
4. If we meet with a negative response to the good news, how should we respond?
4 Respond With Graciousness: When we receive a negative response, we should always reply with graciousness and mildness. (Prov. 15:1; Col. 4:5, 6) If the situation allows, we may be able to explain to a sincere householder that there is much misinformation about Jehovah's Witnesses or to ask him why he feels the way he does. Our mild response may cause him to question what he has heard about Jehovah's Witnesses and to listen the next time a Witness visits. However, if the householder is very angry, it may be best to excuse ourselves. We can be certain that regardless of how others view us, Jehovah values our ministry.-Isa. 52:7.