Anyone do telephone witnessing?
by gubberningbody 18 Replies latest jw friends
why don't you ask the elders why they told you that?
Isn't that the equivalent of spam?
If you use the telephone, can you count the time you used to setup the telephone line?
I never bothered wasting the time and money doing these field circus extension activities. It was bad enough as was without having to account for every minute, 24 hours a day, as being one I could have saved a life with a telephone call or by writing a letter.
Anyone up for Facebook witnessing?
gubberning, I did not spend my 45 years as a jw faking my time; I'm sorry if I gave that impression. But once I decided to leave I had to keep the elders off my back. My little charade lasted about about 2 months and then I just stopped turning in a slip and stopped attending meetings and got caller ID on the phone. It is amazing that when I was really ill, not a single elder called but when I stopped turning in time, they called every day.....hmmmmmmmm
keyser soze
I was too chicken to try it. I felt the peer pressure sitting around the table, listening to the others making calls. When it was my turn I couldn't do it, so they passed it on to the next person.
That was me, too. The one time I experienced it was at a hall in Charleston, SC. I was auxiliary pioneering at time, but still couldn't bring myself to do it. The other pioneers in the room did it, but I passed.
I was bad..... I didn't dial the full number and faked a conversation occassionally
When I know my cellphone will be checked...... I dial the number and utilize the mute option.