Think About It ... I agree. I am at the moment still attending KH, but can no longer go along with it.
Is it really so that some people here became Catholic after leaving the Borg?
by gubberningbody 52 Replies latest jw friends
Disclaimer: I used to be a hardcore Catholic, and most of my family members still are Catholics. My mother is studying so she can give the host at mass, and, as you can guess, this isn't something that priests do for everyone. And I might still react like an old Catholic at times, though most people would hold that I am moved by the Devil.
Now that I said that, would you guys find it odd if I said that for a Catholic who studies the WT, the Borg seems to be "very, very, very hardcore Catholics"? This of course not in the sense of the saints or the virgin or whatever, but in the sense of DOMINATION. The same authoritarian spirit is there.
Is it really so ...
Where have I read those words before?
Oh, yes, now I remember!
Genesis 3:1 “Is it really so that God said you must not eat from every tree of the garden?” NWT
Now that I said that, would you guys find it odd if I said that for a Catholic who studies the WT, the Borg seems to be "very, very, very hardcore Catholics"? This of course not in the sense of the saints or the virgin or whatever, but in the sense of DOMINATION. The same authoritarian spirit is there.
The WT is so much like the RCC hierachy, it's not even funny.
The GB is the same as the vatican Cardinal council, though not as many people since the JW's is just a small denomination.
There is always ONE person on the GB that carries more weight , just like the Pope.
They believe they are guided by Jesus and the "old time" Bishops believed ( and some Cardinals still do now), that THEY are the way to Jesus, just like the GB.
The RCC has doctrines that are man made, as does the Wt, it tends to stick it's nose where it doesn't belong, as does the WT, they cover up scandals, as does the WT.
Amazing eh?
Apparently if you use the phrase "Is it really so" you remind people of Satan.
After leaving the JWs I was received into the Episcopal Church. So I consider myself Anglo-Catholic, though like Newman and Knox, it's possible that I may eventually drop anchor in Rome.
Here is something interesting that Ed Dunlap once said to me:
The witnesses seem to have a unique distaste for the Catholic church, and yet much of the organization is run very much like the catholics.
He thought that many of the Brooklyn higher-ups in the society were plainly jealous of the Catholics.
Well, the RCC is the greatest missionary force in the world and has spread the word fo God in more parts than any other faith and contniues to do so, ALL Crhistian denominations would NOT exist if not for the RCC.
Yes, the WT is VERY jealous of them.
ALL Crhistian denominations would NOT exist if not for the RCC.
Not to mention the fact that much of what we know as western society and culture would not exist without the RCC as well...
Moshe is right - pick your poison. Some ramdon thoughts in no particular order:
I know it sounds sort of air heady, but I like the catholic church b/c of the rituals and pomp and cermony. It is something I can actually see. If the religion asks me to do more than attend on Sunday , lead a decent life, and help others in need, that is more than I want. I would be very happy with a religion that just concentrated on helping their fellow man rather than preaching . After being a jw all those years I could never join another high control religion, which includes all those he mentioned and also includes any of the chruch of christ & pentacostal etc types and 7th day adventist & Islamic. The catholic church may have been a high control religion at one time but the pope is just a figure head now. I have been told that the Methodist church is sort of religion lite. Jews have it easy too, you do not even have to attend temple to be one of them. You can be a secular jew and just say shalom and show up once a year and you are still a part of the group. ( I have been told they don't really like converts though).I also find the Wiccans and other so called new agey religions good, but for congergational value you may be happier with a standard religion.
I also think it depends where you live. In the southern usa people seem to take their religion more seriously and small towns are tough if you do not attend somewhere. There are some seriously mean Baptists in my area ( our town just went wet recently). Some of these people are almost as crazy as jws. However, jws still are the king of crazy due to shunning and the blood doctrine and not allowing voting and military service.
Any religion that teaches basic moral principles and helps it fellow man is probably ok, just avoid those that feel they have the only true religion and damn others to any form of hell , or practice shunning in any form. I feel God I probably ok with any way you worship Him as long as you do not hurt others in the process.