Circuit leasing is expanding

by DazedAndConfused 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • DazedAndConfused

    I don't have time to look up a post that showed that the Society has a Circuit leasing here we go. LOL

    I looked up Circuit Leasing in my program "Copernic" (ah what a wonderful thing) and I came up with a page that shows that not only are they in Grand Rapids, MI but they are also in 4 other states. The URL for this is:


    Now, this with the recent post regarding the "Bethel Coach Tours"

    and numerous other monetary ventures that the Society has been involved makes you wonder what is important to these people.

    How can an Organization that has stopped their subscriptions and yet be involved with these ventures be totally honest with their people? I am interested, and will ask, how that they can do these money making scemes yet over ride what their true intention should be...........namely, spreading the word of God? How can they stop subscriptions because as they say it is too expensive and yet go into these money making ideas?

    Things that make you say hmmmmmmmm........

  • freeman

    For an organization that stresses that we are so close to the end, they seem to be highly entrenched in this system. Not only does the organization hold unbelievable wealth in the form of physical assets, they are highly invested in the stock market as well. Unlike the churches they love to condemn, none of this wealth is ever shared with those in need. Add to that the fact that one of their holdings produces profits every time the US drops a smart bomb.

    Yes the organization is much more entrenched in this system of things then any individual witness would ever dare to be. This makes them hypocrites of the highest order!


  • GermanXJW
    I looked up Circuit Leasing in my program "Copernic" (ah what a wonderful thing) and I came up with a page that shows that not only are they in Grand Rapids, MI but they are also in 4 other states. The URL for this is:

    Is it by chance that at each delivery point outside MI there is a big WT facility (Patterson & Assembly Halls)?

  • Alfred

    Now Circuit Leasing has heavy construction equipment for sale. The money keeps rolling in...

  • Crazyguy

    Both website are not coming up for me, could you please explain circuit leasing and what exactly are they doing?

  • Gorbatchov

    Look at the society hudson valley corporate website.


  • Diogenesister

    We in little old mother england have no idea of all this corporate stuff going on. Thinking its just a wee homespun bible loving egalitarian ....oh it breaks my heart I cant go on.

    God religion is bullshit.

  • Gorbatchov

    Corporate site of circuit leasing and kingdom support services under the name of Hudson Valley.

    What I see is that everything that csn be sold, will be sold.

    Money makers.


  • zeb

    just what is circuit leasing..? please

  • darkspilver

    zeb: just what is circuit leasing..? please

    The OP is 16 years old.

    The WT asks congregations each year to pay a suggested 'per-publisher' levy of a few dollars each which the WT uses to (bulk) buy the actual cars for COs to use. (The additional running costs/expenses (fuel/oil etc) are paid by the congregation the CO visits each week)

    After four or so years the cars are sold. The money made back, along with the annual 'per-publisher' levy is then used to buy new cars, and so on.

    NEW - in the UK the WT only replaces the cars after SEVEN years

    This means that I understand that in the UK, they have had NO annual 'per-publisher' levy for a couple of years now....

    UK used circuit cars are sold here:

    You can see an example of Australian cars for sale here:

    Use the password: Cars4Sale

    In the US the WT now uses to sell surplus equipment and cars.

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