...Shamus100, Finally-Free, BabyYaga, chickpea, sweet pea, Elsewhere, cantleave, lisavegas420, parakeet, flying high now, billy the ex B, beksbks, jamie bowers, Sixofnine, quietlyleaving, jimmy page, rebel8, leavingwt, shopaholic, witness007, gopher, mtsgrad, Mr.Majestic...
Any of you "oldies" still here??
Just wanted to say thank you for being here when I needed you especially during 2008-2009. Even though we've never met in real life I consider you my friends for life. We've had some good laughs!
Whereever you are I hope you're doing fine!
Sorry for those I've missed
I've seen that Snowbird, MrsJones, Loubelle and black sheep are still here
/ Newborn