What does a 10-year-old "minister" say about a religion?
by OnTheWayOut 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
jws will just point to Jesus as 12 questioning the religious leaders or Samuel at 5 in the temple.
Are we there yet?.......Are we there yet?..
How come your beard is so long?..
Wanna see what I can do?..
What time is lunch?..
When can I go home?..I don`t like it here,theres nothing to do..
The WTS always speaks with forked tongue. They use the word minister to apply to a 10 year old who goes in the ministry. But this same 10 year old minister is not a minister in the sense of becoming an elder.
Preschoolers are full of questions, 10 year olds are full of answers... especially to complex questions.
Give me the preschooler any day: Questions show a curiosity and interest in the world. Answers imply a depth of thinking and wisdom borne of experience. Come to think of it, it's only when the 10 year old really grows up that he realizes how little he knows...now that's a humbling sign of maturity...being able to live knowing that few questions have satisfactory answers.
Yes, the Bible praises children's knowledge ... but it is primarily in putting adults to shame rather than "parrotting" what adults have told them.
OTWO, you must have missed where I just said "reporting not supporting." I was just saying what a jw would say...no need to convince me.
I caught it. I am giving my counter to the JW answer.
Beta Male, thanks for reminding us that these things become circuses. WTS is becoming a circus. Soon, they will have the 12 to 20 year old "elders" in the congregation usurping the power from the 70 to 90 year old elders.
What does it say about the religion? It says that the organization behind this "religion" has no qualms about exploiting children for monetary gain.
I got baptised at 16 but first asked to do so at age 8 ! I was turned down only because at that point I hadn't studied a book the way through with my parents. I remember being so let down and gutted over it. I wanted SO badly to please my dad. But looking back, that's the ONLY reason I was doing it. Even at 16, I just wanted to make my dad proud. I wish to God I'd never done it...then I wouldn't be so fearful of getting out now and the possibility of my parents disowning me.
Probably, OTWO, next time address your answer to a jw, please. Your response seems to be to me.
Blondie, I feel that a 12 year old (or even a 5 year old) should be questioning the religious leaders. That's what kids do. They learn that way.
OTWO, you must have missed where I just said "reporting not supporting." I was just saying what a jw would say...no need to convince me.
I caught it. I am giving my counter to the JW answer.
When I was baptized a married couple god dunked too. They had a 6 year old, who was adamant, that he wants to be baptized too. Fortunately the parents didn't let him. It was obvious he wanted to do what the grown ups do. Now 10 years later he's still not baptized, and even though I haven't met him for a while I wouldn't be surprised if he never did. He looks like a healthy teenager, not the JW zombie one at all.
Slidin Fast
I was baptised at the age of 9 (I think) the date was never recorded. I think this must point to me as being almost super-human in my spiritual intelligence.
I am almost sure that I am now the oracle, please come to me first to have your deep questions answered.