I'm reading CoC for the first time. A Governing Body that is suppose to be God's Channel on earth and led by Jehovah's holy spirit could not even change JW dogma even though the majority of those present VOTED for change. There had to be a 2/3's VOTE of the total GB membership. Anything decided upon by these men had nothing to do with how God's spirit was guiding them, it was all about human politics and guidance by cult leaders.
The decisions these guys made on sexual matters was sick. At one time a woman couldn't get a divorce if her husband had anal sex with another woman or sex with an animal.(not sure where they stand on this now, since they flip flop doctrine so often)
Quote from CoC page 167:
It is men in authority who, because the change of one vote reduces
a majority down from 66
2 / 3 % to 62 1 / 2 %, are willing to allow this to
keep in force a policy that can cause other men to undergo arrest, be separated
from family and home for months, even sent to jail for years, when
those men do not understand the Scriptural basis for the policy they are
asked to follow and, in some cases, believe that the policy is wrong.
Think About It