I was watching the DC talk on the generation overlap (Remain in the secret place most high) on you tube. Watched and listened to approx 3 mins on this video clip and already wanting to shout and scream.
But I also had this thought about the experiences they read out and how real they were or just another WTS BS, for example in the bit I heard they gave an experience of a brother who is bipolar and his battle when in FDS. Now wouldnt it be cool and fun, if after that talk you went up to that Elder who gave the talk and tell him how humbled you were by his experience and how this brother has given you more strength to carry out the WTS work. Then say how you would love to communicate with this brother and uplift him by telling him how he has help you spiritually. Then you ask the Elder "please brother please give me his name and the congreation he is from, I would love to communicate with this man personally ". What do you think this elders reply would be?