If there is only ONE of something (anything) it does not need to be separated from others of its kind since there simply aren't others.
If there is a REAL something and a TRUE something (as opposed to a phoney or false) it stands alone unique and disambiguated.
That is the foundational problem with giving an ONLY TRUE god a "distinguishing" name.
If only one true God is living there is no chance of offending that God by cheating on Him with imaginary "rivals".
Imagine being jealous of your wife or husband pretending to have an affair with a non-existent rival!
What mental disorder would provoke jealousy? Jealous of what...would be the question!
Yet, the bible is filled with stories of the only True god having rivalries with imaginary competitors!
A supposed rival, an opposer, is not named at all. Satan merely describes a state of being "opposed".
El is a syllable describing god. El-ohim is plural: gods. Apparently, primitive society was filled with fears of imaginary, invisible powers.
Muslims today have an El. El-lah (Allah). An ancient leftover syllable nobody wants to toss away.
So afraid were hallucinating, trembling humans that they sought to appease these fears by pacifying them with FOOD (offerings and sacrifices) as though a spirit would EAT food!
They named each spirit (trees, mountains, wind, lightning, thunder, etc.) as though these phenomena were personalities.
Manifestations of human frailty took form in the human mind. Like a child talks to an inert doll. The humans talked to their inert "god."
Begging, pleading (prayer) and praise.
Come now!
The idea of assuming an IDENTITY called JEHOVAH is ludicrous if reality is to be attached to the idea of god.
God would the most IMPOSSIBLE TO OVERLOOK reality of all reality itself!
Doubt could not arise in the face of such an insuperable, inexorable reality! None could challenge it.
Could we deny the sun in our sky? The stars? The air itself? Impossible! Yet, none of these is an identity with a magic name!
So, we are left with a projection.....just another such in a long history of such projections. Man imagines and projects and then dresses the projection up with a name, identity, list of super powers and attaches fear and reverence. The child with its doll.
Werewolves, vampires, aliens from UFO's, bigfoot, fairies, succubuses, demons, the list is endless!!
If you can imagine and fear something it will catch on with others!!
The name Jehovah is treated like a magic word among the JW's. It is "King's X". It is a talisman. It is a lucky charm. It is like the rosary beads for a Catholic. This word is conjured like a Sorcerer manifesting the numinous. It is also a conceit. My God is bigger than yours.
We had this thing....this "Jehovah" implant surgically imbedded in our brain and it is nigh unto impossible to escape the broadcast emanations even now. Signals come forth in our sleep. It was made all too real to get rid of! The idea, like a parasite in our intestine, won't go away. It stalks us and feeds off of us and consumes our energy.
It is a grand conspiracy theory this religion has offered in the place of a real education about actual things! You can't pour wine into a cup full of anything else!! Our goblet was poured full of fear, hope, uncertainty and absolute confidence based on a mere nothing but a fairytale of a giant who lived in the sky.
They told us his name was Jehovah.
How sad for us.