Ohhh, no you don't Snowbird, no you don't!! There's no walking away now, you just committed to this thread by asserting Babylon the Great is the US, and the beast is a conglomerate of European Christian nations. Explain how you've come to this conclusion. you rarely open up I've noticed. I want to hear this.
GodBlock, a new web filter that blocks religious content. Stuff like this makes me wonder about the Babylon the Great doctrine.
by miseryloveselders 28 Replies latest jw friends
you rarely open up I've noticed.
I'm a very private, reticent person, and I'm making no assertions - just my opinion.
I've read and re-read Revelation chapter 17, ad nauseam, while taking careful note of the Holy Spirit's instruction in Acts chapter 16 that the good news be taken to Europe.
I connected the dots from there.
I won't forward any interpretations. I just don't know how the details work out. I'll wait and see. As for Syl, she has as much a right to her private interpretation of the symbolic, prophetic passages as any of us. Unlike the Watchtower, she does not impose it.
As for Syl, she has as much a right to her private interpretation of the symbolic, prophetic passages as any of us. Unlike the Watchtower, she does not impose it.
Oh, no!
I would never do something like that!
Ahhh C'mon Syl!! I'm not requesting this with a motive for criticism, or even debate for that matter. I'm still connecting the dots myself. I'm not entirely convinced I've figured out who the Beast and the Whore is yet myself. C'mon Syl give us some insight!
Revelation chapter 17 describes Babylon the Great's exercise of authority over a Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. Imo, the description of Babylon the Great fits the United States of America to a T.
I believe the 7 heads to be a revival of those nations that were once under the influence of the Papacy - the Holy Roman Empire, as it were, who will grow tired of the United States of America's tyranny and turn on her.
I believe the 10 horns to be the other nations - directed by God - who will assist in America's destruction.
However, what I have highlighted in red below convinces me more than anything else that Babylon the Great depicts the United States of America.
Revelation 18:11 -17 "The traders will cry and carry on because the bottom dropped out of business, no more market for their goods: gold, silver, precious gems, pearls; fabrics of fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet; perfumed wood and vessels of ivory, precious woods, bronze, iron, and marble; cinnamon and spice, incense, myrrh, and frankincense; wine and oil, flour and wheat; cattle, sheep, horses, and chariots. And slaves—their terrible traffic in human lives.
Everything you've lived for, gone!
All delicate and delectable luxury, lost!
Not a scrap, not a thread to be found! "The traders who made millions off her kept their distance for fear of getting burned, and cried and carried on all the more:
Doom, doom, the great city doomed!
Dressed in the latest fashions,
adorned with the finest jewels,
in one hour such wealth wiped out! MSGSyl
You know Syl, something about a woman with prophetic tendencies is kinda...........hot. I'm available if your interested. Show you my Euphrates. Just don't say, "May you have peace!" But seriously, thanks for insight. I like hearing everybody's view.
I'm not interested - I have an estranged Jamaican husband who is nuts!
Thanks, though.
I wouldn't worry too much one way or another about what John was writing while he was on some powerful halllucinogenics. Revelation is just a ripoff of the Book of Enoch that BARELY made it into the Canon, and probably shouldn't have.
Regardless of any of that, if it was important for god to relay to his followers exactly what all of this nonsense means, he should have used more explicit terms than Babylon the Great and Wild Beast. That would have left it less open to such outrageous speculation for the past 2,000 years. The World Empire of False Religion, indeed!