Holy Spirit and Governing Body voting

by Think About It 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    How in the world can a religious organization that claims to be God's true Channel on earth and led my his holy spirit have a majority of it's GB members vote yes on something, but it not pass because 2/3's didn't vote yes? Why would these supposely "spirit annointed" leaders of the "only true religion" not all be lead by holy spirit to pass an important mandate or change? In CoC Ray Franz talks of JW life affecting voting not passing because although it was a majority, it wasn't 2/3's or a GB member was gone during the vote. Sounds like a man-made cult.

    Think About It

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    It could be seen that way, or else they had this policy come about as a way to try and avoid division in the GB.

    If it needs an overwhelming majority (2/3s) then the other side will only be in the minority instead of nearer 50/50 then it can be seen to squash chances of division that having a split decision would offer.

    Im not saying that's why, im just offering a possible reason for the policy. But whilst this possible reason for this 2/3s majority policy may offer this apparent benefit, it just plain sucks in it's practice and execution.


  • Titus

    Do you claim that Jehovah's Witnesses are not the only true religion?


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    That's true and understandable in a man-made democratic organization.

    Think About It

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Which is exactly what it is,... a man made organisation. I'll miss out the democratic part though, because they are not elected and answer to no one.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Only democratic in the sense of their 2/3's voting rule.

    Think About It

  • peacedog

    I remember being shocked by this the first time I read CoC.

    'Wait, you mean to say the GB members don't agree with one another on doctrine?!..........'

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    I remember being shocked by this the first time I read CoC.

    'Wait, you mean to say the GB members don't agree with one another on doctrine?!..........'

    That brings up an interesting point. "Evidently" you can be the 1/3 or less of the GB who votes against a JW doctrine, but if you are a regular R&F JW who disagrees with it.........you can be DF'd as an apostate.

    Think About It

  • UnConfused

    I thought about it and that is an interesting point.

  • designs

    Why can't they go back to casting Lots, I like casting Lots


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