Alice, how do you feel about being a part of a religion that at one time said that Michael the Archangel and his Cherubs were the Pope and his Bishops?
12:7. And there was war In heaven.—Between the two ecclesiastical powers, Pagan Rome and Papal Rome.
Michael.—"Who as God," the Pope.—B275; C62.
And his angels.—The Bishops. The following is the reply given in the Catholic catechism to the question, "Who are the successors of the Apostles?" Ans.« "The bishops who are rightly consecrated, and are in communion with the head of the Church, the Pope."
[ Fought against] TO WAR WITH the dragon.—Attempted to get the temporal power away from the civil rulers.— Rev. 2:12.
The Finished Mystery p. 188
Back on topic, I remember when I was out looking for a church because of what I found out about the society. I remember thinking that it would be hard indeed to find one without a 'past' or one that taught 100% as close to the Bible as possible. It wasn't long before I came to the realization that if I was out seeking a perfect church, I'd never find it.