At the last DC I will ever attend in 09' some elder was called up to do the morning prayer. I dont recall him being introduced as a CO or anything thats why I say elder.
He starts off slowly and 20 seconds in I realize this is his moment of glory, giving a prayer at the DC and he is going to take his sweet time. I know the closing prayers are like at least 5 or 10 minutes, but this guy is going to kick off the morning with a long rambling diatribe....
So part way in he gets to the "slave" and he starts NAMING THEM OFF ONE BY ONE.....ya know thanks for Splane, Pierce, Barr, on and so on....til he gets through them all. Then he says "Thanks for their wives, for supporting them.....except for "so and so" (whichever one isn't married, I can't remember which one that is)
I know most active witnesses couldn't name but two or three GB members at any given time. Looks like this guy really did his homework for the opening prayer...