Hey Lisa,I`m not First Nations but I have friends and family who are.How I descibe them depends on who I`m talking to.If it`s someone I`m talking to from Europe I say Native Americans,or Canadians.If I`m talking to some one in North America I say First Nations.If I want to speak of one nation,I will say Sto-lo Nation or Cree Nation...OUTLAW
The WT and Native Americans
by Valis 20 Replies latest jw friends
Commie Chris
Lisa: you are right - most "Natives" do not like that term. I am a Metis, not a "native". My friends are Mohawk, Nishnawbe, Dene, Cree etc… Our cultures and languages are as different from each other as French from English and it is somewhat offensive to be lumped into a homogenous "Native" label.
I remember reading an artical not long ago, I'll try to find it, where they stated that Native Americans , Some Native Americans, religious beliefs were closer to the true meaning of Christianity then modern day Christians.
So, if columbus would have stayed away then North America would be full of real Christians living in peace and harmony for the most part. All except for those pagan Pawnee. -
If I wuz a "Injun" I would not take too kindly to be referred to as a "Native American" becuz it means "Native Americo Vespuccian," some dude from Itly.
Hensci, Greetings,
I find this post intriguing. I was reprimanded because I did not leave my love of my people while I was studying. Some sisters asked to study with my daughter. I found later that they were prying about my life away from the meetings. I was on the council of the Potawatomi Nation although I am (Hvtschi) Mvscogee. One day at a book study they were talking about witch craft. One sister who was studying with my daughter raised her hand about the witch craft of the Pow Wow. My mouth flew wide open. This woman had NEVER been to a Pow Wow. She did not know that she would have been warmly welcomed. And that we do not PUSH our ways on anyone. We, infact have our worship at the beginning of Pow Wow so that we can talk privately to their "nature". I see no difference in Abraham talking to angels than us talking to the spirits of God's creations. Hvtschi are peaceful, fun loving people. She missed the whole point. Needless to say, that was my daughter's last study and my last time setting foot in the Kingdom Hall.
I noticed that article and thought "What cheek! Like the Native culture would be tolerated by this lot!" After all, we all know that they allow you to have a culture of whatever colour you like, as long as it's "Brooklyn beige"!
Article quote:
Many Sioux Indians are not pleased to see the faces of white presidents carved on Mount Rushmore, in the Black Hills. On a nearby mountain, sculptors are creating an even bigger carving. It is of Crazy Horse, the Oglala Sioux war leader. The face will be completed by June 1998.
I bet there is an equal number who aren't pleased as to KINGDOM HALLS being on THEIR sacred land also. Hello? WTBTS? Welcome back from last century.
In an interview with Awake!, Cheyenne peace chief Lawrence Hart said that one of the problems affecting Indians "is that we're faced with the forces of acculturation and assimilation.
Yep, and in WTBTS eyes, this exaclty what they need: To be assimilated in to the WTBTS. Hello? WTBTS? Are you trying to help or hinder your article?
*krchk* Reality to WTBTS *krchk*
*krchk* This WTBTS, over *krchk*
*krchk* WTBTS, people aren't stupid, Reality over and out *krchk*
To survive in the modern world, Native Americans have had to adapt in various ways.
Yes, yes, and I'm sure the WTBTS will help them to "adapt" to placing Watchtower and Awake! magazines properly. WTBTS will help them "adapt" to: properly wearing an acceptable suit, nice shiney shoes, 5 meetings a week attendance, proper ways to gossip, hilight with yellow markers, deny culture and embrace Governing Body doctrine, appropriate dresses for women, more quick build Kingdom Halls on sacred land, deny heritage, obliterate independant thinking....
Therein lies the challenge for Native Americans-how to hold on to their unique tribal traditions and values while adapting to the rapidly changing world outside.
Hey, self righteous morons! Yah, you who edit this pile of trash...I see you mentioned the "world outside" and neglected to inform people of "your inside world".
Fighting Drugs and Alcohol
How about: Fighting The White Man's Poision: Organized Christianity?
Are Casinos and Gambling an Answer?
No of course not, but I bet being a non-paid sales representive peddling magazines is! Hey, don't gamble, buy a subscription to the Watchtower & Awake! instead! Now, go place them and make the Governing Body even more moolah! What are you people thinking??? That money belongs to them!
A whole lot more disfellowshippings and disassociations? Because when the various Nations realize that you are no different...if not WORSE...then those trying to "assimilate", they'll be heading out Kingdom Hall doors pretty quick.What Does the Future Hold?
Typical WTS double-speak....they try to show outwardly some sympathy but in actual fact the WTS solution so far as the culture of all peoples will be devastation at the big 'A'........
"How do you view Christendom's religions?"
"We are not pleased with the churches' trying to convert our people from the traditional beliefs.
% The Lutherans and the Catholics have had missions here for over 100 years. There are also Pentecostal groups that have some emotional appeal."We need to restore our cultural identity through the family and bring back the use of the Apache language. At present, it is being lost."
Jehovah's Witnesses visit the Apache people to tell them of the new world that Jehovah God has promised for our earth, so beautifully described in the Bible book of Isaiah: "For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not toil for nothing."—Isaiah 65:17, 21, 23; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1-4.
The time is near when Jehovah God will take action to cleanse the world of all selfishness and corruption as well as abuse of the earth. (See Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21.) People of all nations, including the Native American nations, can now bless themselves by turning to the true God, Jehovah, through Christ Jesus. (Genesis 22:17, 18) Jehovah's Witnesses offer free Bible education for any meek ones who wish to inherit a restored earth and are willing to obey God.—Psalm 37:11, 19.
*krchk* Reality to WTBTS *krchk* *krchk* This WTBTS, over *krchk* *krchk* WTBTS, people aren't stupid, Reality over and out *krchk*
Guest 77
Commie Chris can you tell me who your Mohawk friends are from Kahnawke? The article mentioned Ray Halbritter from the Oneida Nation. This so-called educated Native from the Five Nation Confederacy has been bullying the local 'Longhouse' people. He has set himself up as a GOD.
Guest 77