Really, thats interesting. I am not going to count all of it manually, thats for sure.
So you're going to wait for every poster to weigh in, instead? Much more practical.
by asilentone 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Really, thats interesting. I am not going to count all of it manually, thats for sure.
So you're going to wait for every poster to weigh in, instead? Much more practical.
I will check this thread often as I can.
keyser, if you want to volunteer to count them for me, go for it.
What do you think??
5 males, 6 females so far.
(X) M
( ) F
Female :)
Girl! Aquagirl,to be more specific!
ASO, I give up. What's the answer?
6 males, 8 females so far.
transhuman68, I am not counting you as a male or female. I do not deal with uncooperative people who gives me hard time on this thread.