Watchtower says the ORGANIZATION is Jehovah's wife and our Mother???

by Witness 007 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Watchtower May 1st 1957 "....we must recognize not only Jehovah God as our Father but his Orginization as OUR MOTHER...obedience to the living God and his WIFELY ORGANIZATION as well..."

    Very Catholic of them!!!!! JEHOVAH IS MARRIED TO NEW YORK BETHEL!! Yes it's not just a printing's God's wife, his Missus, his better half.

    Next time you say a prayer at the Meeting Brothers don't forget to give thanks for Jehovah's lovely wife our mother!!!!!!

  • yknot
    yknot is Mama's House too!

    The paragraph that follows is just as fun!

    *** w57 5/1 p. 275 par. 6 Show Respect for Jehovah’s Organization ***

    6 Then what is the relationship existing between this heavenly woman and the visible theocratic organization of the New World society? And to whom is our respect due? Again we turn to the prophecy of Isaiah for the answer. Chapter sixty-six, verse seven, describes the birth of the man-child Kingdom government with Christ Jesus, the principal one of Zion’s children, as the King in heaven. That occurred in 1914. Then in the eighth verse (AS) it says: “Shall a land be born in one day? shall a nation be brought forth at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.” This foretells the birth of more children, but this time on earth. This occurred in 1919. The land that is born is the restored condition on earth of Jehovah’s anointed remnant in a New World society, a condition free for Jehovah’s worship and for organized service theocratically. The new nation is the remnant of spiritual Israel delivered from Babylon and now under the established newborn Kingdom. Those of this nation inhabit the theocratic land on earth, the delivered, restored condition of the remnant of Christ’s joint heirs. But since these children of Zion above have a heavenly destiny to reign with Christ, they also become a part of the universal organization that is God’s wife, and will, with Christ, form the capital city of that organization. So God’s woman, Zion or Jerusalem above, is his universal organization, with one hundred forty-four thousand and one of her members or children eventually forming the capital city like a man-child government, yet all these being the principal part of the same universal organization. These children, Christ Jesus and the 144,000, are individuals making up the capital city, the royal organization, Christ’s “bride” being the New Jerusalem. However, the 144,000 spirit-begotten children of God, together with Christ Jesus their Head and all the invisible holy angelic spirit creatures, make up the universal organization of God, his wife. As children were born in ancient Jerusalem and became residents of that city, so Zion’s 144,000 spiritual children are brought forth to become a part of the universal organization and at the same time its capital with Jesus Christ.

  • Hadit

    Crazy beyond belief!

    So do the children become the wife after they overlap each other's generation and mature?

    What does this even mean . . . other than they are retarded.

  • Chalam

    Once again, directly opposed to what the bible says, see here for example Revelation 19

    The "great multitude" is all those who believe in Jesus, who love Him John 3:29, Luke 5:34-36.



    ...Jehovah God as our Father but his Orginization as OUR MOTHER

    Yes this makes sense to me.

    My mother used to threaten me, knock me around and lie to me. Her pet comment was,' Do as you are told because I said so.'

    Course, I wasn't a gladiator then.

  • carla


  • blondie

    The organization teaches that the heavenly aspect of the organization is the mother of the anointed and God is their father but that Jesus is the Father of the other sheep making God their Grandfather. Though as the bride of Christ, the anointed should be considered the mother of the other sheep and the WTS does not consider the other sheep "sons" of God.

    As to the 1957 WT quote, a careful check of the WT-CD and reading their comments in context was to "mother," I found that each mention was about God's wife, the heavenly organization, the "mother" of Christ.


    *** it-2 p. 694 Prophecy ***Places were used prophetically, the city of Jerusalem on Mount Zion at times being used to represent a heavenly organization that is the “mother” of spirit-anointed Christians. (Ga 4:26)

    *** it-2 p. 1198 Woman ***Abraham’s wife Sarah, Paul says, corresponds to the Jerusalem above,” who is the spiritual mother of Paul and his spirit-begotten associates. This heavenly “mother” would be also the “mother” of Christ, who is the oldest among his spiritual brothers, all of whom spring from God as their Father.—Heb 2:11, 12; see FREE WOMAN.

    *** w57 5/1 p. 275 par. 5 Show Respect for Jehovah’s Organization ***In this way Paul identifies Jehovah’s wife as His invisible universal organization, the mother of Christ and of his joint heirs.

    * w95 8/1 p. 13 par. 19 Jehovah—A God Who Teaches ***Even though the other sheep are not directly included among the “sons” spoken of at Isaiah 54:13, they are blessed with being taught by Jehovah. Therefore, they properly address God as “Father” because he will, in effect, be their Grandfather through the “Eternal Father,” Jesus Christ.—Matthew 6:9; Isaiah 9:6.

    *** w96 8/15 p. 21 Do You Remember? ***Who is the Serpent and who is “the woman” referred to at Genesis 3:15?The Serpent is not the lowly snake but the one who used it, Satan the Devil. (Revelation 12:9) “The woman” is not Eve but Jehovah’s heavenly organization, the mother of his spirit-anointed servants on earth

    *** w56 10/1 pp. 604-605 par. 24 ‘He That Marries Not Does Better’ ***Thus Jehovah’s purpose in beautifying this earth with human marriage will be gloriously accomplished. By Jesus Christ the Everlasting Father, Jehovah God will give eternal proof that marriage was certain to be a complete success on earth. Marriage will have worked in full harmony with his purpose in creating the earth and putting perfect man upon it, namely, to fill an earthly paradise with a perfect, righteous human family, in full vindication of his bringing in the irreproachable arrangement of marriage. Not only will eternally saved mankind on the paradise earth rejoice evermore but also the great heavenly Husband Jehovah and his faithful, beloved wife, his universal organization in heaven under Jesus Christ. Jehovah as an affectionate Grand Father and his universal organization as a tenderhearted Grand Mother will forever join in expressing their loving-kindness to their grandchildren, their God-fearing offspring on earth.

  • brotherdan

    But hold on...doesn't the "faithful slave" marry Jesus in heaven? Jesus is the son, right? So the mother marries the son?!?

  • blondie

    Yes, if you think the WTS in their publications teaches that the earthly organization is God's wife....but rather they teach that it is the heavenly organization and that Jesus and the anointed (the bride class) are children of God and the heavenly organization. Jesus marries the anointed as the bride and fathers the other sheep.............I grew up in that era as an adult so I remember the official teaching. Remember when this teaching started all members of the WTS were anointed and thought of the heavenly organization as their mother.

  • Chalam

    Amazing quotes blondie!

    *** it-2 p. 694 Prophecy ***Places were used prophetically, the city of Jerusalem on Mount Zion at times being used to represent aheavenly organization that is the “mother” of spirit-anointed Christians. (Ga 4:26)

    Of course, the New Jerusalem is Mount Zion, the "holy hill" etc. Revelation 21:2

    The WT have a problem that the New Jerusalem does not stay in heaven but comes down "out of heaven"


    Revelation 21:10

    *** w57 5/1 p. 275 par. 5 Show Respect for Jehovah’s Organization ***In this way Paul identifies Jehovah’s wife as His invisible universal organization, the mother of Christ and of his joint heirs.

    How can the WT be "mother of Christ"?!

    * w95 8/1 p. 13 par. 19 Jehovah—A God Who Teaches ***Even though the other sheep are not directly included among the “sons”spoken of at Isaiah 54:13, they are blessed with being taught by Jehovah. Therefore, they properly address God as “Father” because he will, in effect, be their Grandfather through the “Eternal Father,” Jesus Christ.—Matthew 6:9; Isaiah 9:6.

    Pure baloney and denial of plain scripture, see here for example.

    Galatians 3:26 (New International Version)

    Sons of God

    26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus

    *** w96 8/15 p. 21 Do You Remember? ***Who is the Serpent and who is “the woman” referred to at Genesis 3:15?The Serpent is not the lowly snake but the one who used it, Satan the Devil. (Revelation 12:9) “The woman” is not Eve but Jehovah’s heavenly organization,the mother of his spirit-anointed servants on earth

    Of course, no scriptural proof for their "interpretation" is offered :(

    *** w56 10/1 pp. 604-605 par. 24 ‘He That Marries Not Does Better’ ***Thus Jehovah’s purpose in beautifying this earth with human marriage will be gloriously accomplished. By Jesus Christ the Everlasting Father, Jehovah God will give eternal proof that marriage was certain to be a complete success on earth. Marriage will have worked in full harmony with his purpose in creating the earth and putting perfect man upon it, namely, to fill an earthly paradise with a perfect, righteous human family, in full vindication of his bringing in the irreproachable arrangement of marriage. Not only will eternally saved mankind on the paradise earth rejoice evermore but also thegreat heavenly Husband Jehovah and his faithful, beloved wife, his universal organization in heaven under Jesus Christ. Jehovah as an affectionate Grand Father and his universal organization as a tenderhearted Grand Mother will forever join in expressing their loving-kindness to their grandchildren, their God-fearing offspring on earth.

    The running theme is it not Christ's bride but "Jehovah's". Of course, admitting the former Matthew 9:15 would make Jesus God so the WT move on quickly.



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