Tec, thanks for the warm welcome. While at times I feel compelled to exert what may seem anti-religious behavior in general, I want everyone here to know that I do have "faith" in God, because even with my new calling to Deism, which doesn't have a "Jesus" but rather just the belief in a creator that does have a positive or negative force in my life depending on how I treat others, I still have the utmost respect for people that remain comforted by the bible gospels and the real meat of the scriptures that can apply to people today, (i.e, the sermon on the mount, Galatians Chapter 5, Hebrews chapter 11, etc)....
Perhaps I am swayed more by the New Testament than anything else in the bible, that much is certain with the exception of proverbs. I still read the wise words of those ancient Israelite Kings who learned many lessons in life in those days.
If I were to describe my faith in God, it would be that of belief in a wise creator, without the need to back him with human books.