NYT Article About Rutherford's Arrest
by Bangalore 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks, Bangalore, for giving a at-the-moment view rather than a WTS edited one. They goofed up by putting the Quaker man's views in the FM. They tried to ameliorate it by supporting the US day of prayer. Didn't Rutherford predict that Germany and Japan would prevail over the US/UK? I'm I dreaming or does someone have that quote?
I think you are referring to World War 2,Blondie. The above article is from after World War 1.
Right, but it seems that Rutherford continued his meddling in politics and governments
Didn't Rutherford predict that Germany and Japan would prevail over the US/UK? I'm I dreaming or does someone have that quote?
That's from Face the Facts from 1938. His "Demon Rule Ending" in 1941 modified his prognotication somewhat (that neither the Axis nor Allied Powers would win the war in victory but that both sides would form, with the totalitarian Axis Powers taking the dominant role, an armistice leading to a "new League of Nations").
That's from Face the Facts from 1938. His "Demon Rule Ending" in 1941 modified his prognotication somewhat (that neither the Axis nor Allied Powers would win the war in victory but that both sides would form, with the totalitarian Axis Powers taking the dominant role, an armistice leading to a "new League of Nations").
That's very interesting.
At our just-concluded DC, the public talk speaker said JWs have explained prophecy "so well". In addition to the standard 1914 hoo-hah, he made specific and multiple references to the WT's "prediction, while the outcome was still in doubt, that the allied powers would win World War 2 and there would be a period of peace thereafter."
He also said that the "WT went on record publicly, by making that statement at a convention in September of 1942 in the talk 'Peace - Can It Last' delivered by N.H. Knorr."
(Quotes approximate, not verbatim)
No mention was made of Rutherford's predictions. Go figure, eh?
From 1938:
In addition to the standard 1914 hoo-hah, he made specific and multiple references to the WT's "prediction, while the outcome was still in doubt, that the allied powers would win World War 2 and there would be a period of peace thereafter."
The real predictions were that the Axis Powers would win, or that they would negotiate an armistice that has them running the post-war reconstruction period. Their expectations of the new "League of Nations" was that it would be a Vatican-run world government that keeps the world at peace through the might of its military force.
Brilliat thread by TD about Nathan Knorr's "prophecy"
This is great stuff. Things I never knew.
Why bother reading about Rutherfraud's arrest in the newspaper when you can read all about it in the Book of Revelation.....