Thanks Agon -
I feel exactly the same way. I thought at first it was impossible to get those answers. I've changed my mind, I'm getting many to my own questions.
For the sake of anyone reading......I'd like to mention for the first time ever, only during the past 10 years, is it possible on a broad global scale for the 'truth' to be found. Here is why......only for 300-400 years has the bible been 'safe' to get. Only for about 200 years really available to anyone w/ printing press. Only for 10 years, to learn the truth outside of what you may have been 'told' was the truth.
Prior to internet, computer, if you wanted to look for EVERY instance of a word in the bible, or a book, would have to 'read' the ENTIRE book. And over and over if looking for certain things. IF you wanted to research or compare with other things, you were VERY LIMITED to your library, or bookstore. Also ONLY to what was published. If it was in another language, forget it.
We know have access to everything and anything WORLDWIDE, instead of thousands of books and information, MILLIONS. To search each publication instantly. So ONE HUMAN MIND can now ITSELF learn more in days then perhaps a lifetime prior. Now the truth, imagine it as an elaborate puzzle, some here or there may have got a few pieces, but never the whole thing. Some parts of the truth may need certain pieces of the puzzle to get the true understanding, so if 'one' person couldn't do it, it remained hidden. Right now we can see what many know, what many have come up with their research, those who don't publish books, and we have many ancient documents, dead sea scrolls, egyptian books, babylonian, available in interlinear. Also have translating software too for certain languages.
With all that being said, I'll say upfront my conscience prevents me from openly saying much right now, especially since a few things may change before I'm finished, may also never be able to say it all. It was the same in the bible, even Jesus (one must be faithful and 'discreet') Here are some things I've learned, and what you can expect in the very near future.
1. First, to even begin to get understanding, you must have an open mind. FEAR and denial will prevent you from getting the truth or accepting it. I prayed for wisdom, understanding, and been doing lots of reading, research, etc. I took James 1:5-7 seriously.
2. Be quick to hear, but SLOW, super SLOW to speak. You may think your seeing some things or more truth in the bible, some which I've had to pray for understanding and no offense to be taken in even entertaining the idea, but at the same time having faith I'm being lead in the right way. You don't want to find out later you may very much regret things you've said and against whom. (Read Jude vs 8-10 and consider who is being used in the example, one day that scripture might make one very cautious)
3. Thoughts won't just pop in your head, gotta read the bible, read it cover to cover. Use HEBREW old testament interlinear atleast for 1 reading. You will find that something you 'think' might be a hidden truth, is actually more clear in interlinear. That small details can majorly change, because the translator didn't know the truth. Reading non canon, dead sea scrolls (at your own risk, can't say whether true or not, they do give you ideas towards unanswered things in the bible)
4. Anyone really taking this seriously, will find that it might have been IMPOSSIBLE for a human to fully teach them. If you read the entire bible, the first time you'll notice things, they stand out, and you do learn. At some point, if one detail or understanding changes, THEN many parts of the bible if you reread will have a much clearer picture and perhaps different meaning. I can't imagine everything I know NOW being dumped on at one point. Just a few small details can be so big and overwhelming need a few days to take it in. Some things which could try to teach or show, would seem crazy, insane, absolutely outrageous, UNTIL you have many more details and overall big picture, THEN it makes sense.
5. The truth is overwhelming, must be taken in doses, can't just take the wholething at once. Which is why you must seek it. Only God knows what you already know, and can guide you on a path of what to learn and at what point.
A FEW THINGS I'VE LEARNED, if any studying wonder if anyone else sees what they may be seeing, as somewhat a confirmation........
1. Our understanding of history, of the Israelites, of God is WAY OFF - Jesus said it like it is when he said in Mark 12:24-27 "Is not this why you are mistaken, your not knowing either the scriptures nor the power of God?"..."He is a God not of the dead, but of the living. You are much mistaken" - And down to today, I say to the general public, you are MUCH mistaken.
2. Idols, even people and true prophets of God can be idolized by people. It is VERY IMPORTANT to figure this out very soon. There may be a message he wants non faithful to see and act on, and a message for his true ones to see.
3. HIDDEN RULER / Religion - many people may choose not to believe anything going on, no God, no higher power, nothing they can't physically see.........well there is something that CAN be SEEN. Since almost the time of recorded history, onwards, and especially today.....a group or religion, worldwide, who identify themselves and their company/organization/government/rulership as involved by their sharing the same hidden symbols. Things get real interesting when these symbols are all biblical, and especially what they are linked to biblically. This is another point in which most humans will go into denial, mental blocks, etc. Again keep an open mind, dont' dismiss the whole package because a few broken pieces in it. One way in hiding the truth, is having mixed with it, a few things to get you to dismiss everything, to think that even entertaining the idea or looking further is crazy when in truth 1 item out of the 5 was bogus, but that 1 item put there make you turn your eye to the others.
4. The REASON for the Great Tribulation, is a last chance, a final test. The scriptures show that test may not be neccessary if one passes it prior to it's occurance AND there is possibly a very good reason to pass it earlier, an open door to a certain future.
5. Many biblical contradictions are intentionally placed there. Don't spend too much time at first, if haven't read the whole bible, but if they will make keep you from reading further, pray and try to find the reason for it.
6. Those who FIND the truth, may be unable to openly disclose it, until a certain point of time. (possibly due to the test and not ruining someones chance, as well as them not becoming idols in the eyes of others, and getting God's anger at them).