I've been doing research and can find almost nothing on this in the research aids.
My question is this. At the end of the system, the calamity of the coming destruction will be enough to destroy most of the life on this planet. I recently saw the movie 2012 and believe this is probably the most accurate representation for me intellectually of what the end of the system will be like.
The question is regardless of flood, fire, earthquake or whatever natural disasters are used by Jehovah to bring destruction, how will he protect his people?
There are only two precedents for this before:
1. Flood at Noah's time,
2. Egyptians fleeing Israel
On both occasions Jehovah was able to protect the 'small' group through divine action. However, if there are 7-8 m of us spread Geographically, how will he protect us from such calamity?
The answer the society gives seems to simply amount to the fact that we should have 'faith' that we'll survive if we stick to Jah. However, I'd like to approach this from a practical and scientific viewpoint - practically how is Jehovah going to do this? Have any of you given this some thought?
Your brother