What is the shortest timeframe you've seen for one to go from Ministerial Servant to an Elder if he:
- Is on good terms with all elders and the circuit overseer.
- Gives the CO a green handout to help out with his expenses on each visit.
- Has the CO over for a meal each visit.
- Has phone number and email of CO and communicates at least every other month - just to chat about how things are going, good service experiences, etc. (as any other friend would.)
- Gives meaningful comments several times at each meeting.
- Serves as a regular pioneer, and is exceeding the hour requirement. Averages 80-140 hours per month.
- Serves on the RBC to help build Kingdom Halls.
- Goes to an unassigned territory assignment to help out at least once per year.
- Assists in pre/post assembly/convention setup, and works in departments during the event.
- Is scheduled, shows up, and gives good public talks in his local and other congregations; about once per month.
- Is meeting all the other assignments given him by the elders.
- His family is a good example in the congregation and his wife is a regular pioneer who is meeting her hour requirement.
- His wife get's along well with the elders wives, and the circuit overseer and his wife.
- Is regular in all his personal study, family worship, etc.
- Has put in applications for temporary bethel work, and a temporary assignment as a special pioneer.
- Visits infirm ones, and does best to encourage others in the organization.