After being appointed an elder how what is the shortest timeframe you have seen to be accepted as a substitute circuit overseer?
- Elder has 2-3 years of regular pioneering and averages 80-140 hours per month.
- Person has been an elder for 1-2 years.
- Elder has completed at least one temporary bethel assignment, or temporary special pioneer assignment.
- Elder has gone to Pioneer Service School.
- Elder has gone to school for congregation elders.
- Family has written the branch for an assignment in an area of greater need and is currently serving in one of those areas.
- Gives the CO a green handout to help out with his expenses on each visit.
- Has the CO over for a meal each visit.
- Has phone number and email of CO and communicates at least every other month - just to chat about how things are going, good service experiences, etc. (as any other friend would.)
- Gives District Overseer a green handout around assembly time to help out.
- Is on very good terms with District Overseer keeping in touch as well.