Is the length of a generation about to be 120 years??

by digderidoo 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82

    I think maybe that WT article was a case of "run it up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes".

    They made it vague so as not to appear making an explicit prediction, but dropped enough hints so that those who are into that kind of thing could maybe take it and run with with it.

    I've never heard any JW discuss that article in the way implied by the OP highlighting though. It seems that no one saluted.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I too, expect them to start setting it up within the next decade and then get explicit in the 2020s. By that time they will be desperate enough and far enough removed from 1975 to float an actual date again.

  • TD

    The parallel to Noah makes a nice innuendo, but it's not something that can ever be stated more specifically than that. The numbers just don't add up if you try to apply the 120 years (6:3) to the ministry of Noah:

    1. Noah was 500 years old before his children were born (5:32)

    2. God actually told Noah of His intention to flood the earth sometime after that (6:13-21)

    3. Noah was 600 years old when the flood actually came (7:6)

    There are not 120 years here.

  • BANE

    Thank you TD. 1914 has nothing to do with the generation anymore. GET OVER IT PEOPLE! Quit grasping at nothing. The organization has told us at the District Convention that the generations overlap. 1914 is not in the picture anymore.

  • isaacaustin

    Bane, according to the WT 'this generation' is composed of the generation of so-called annointed JWs alive in 1914, and the next group of so-called annointed JWs. 1914 is not out of the picture yet. It simply is not a time contraint anymore....not a pressing one at this time at least.

  • isaacaustin

    However Bane, this 'generation overlap' is total BS, defies the definition of 'generation', and was simply made to be able to replace the dying old geezers on the GB with younger ones.

  • OnTheWayOut

    120 years from 1914 is more time than they currently want JW's to think of. They currently want them to think that the old and dying anointed make up the overlap part of this, making the length of the generation shorter.

    Then as time goes on, they will stretch this idea into way more than 120 years. If the 1914 anointed lived 100 years and the overlap anointed barely overlapped to live another 100 years, the whole thing could be stretched out to 200 years. Nobody actually keeps track of how old anointed people are, but if they decided to do so, they could trot out some 101 year old in 2015, who claims to be anointed.

    So I say 120 years is initially too much and finally too little for their purposes.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    1914 is not in the picture anymore.

    Thanks for clearing that up. So it's just a garden variety false prophesy now?

  • sir82
    1914 has nothing to do with the generation anymore.

    Of course it does. What 2 groups "overlap" to make up the "one generation"?

    One "group" was anointed and observed and understood the events of 1914. The 2nd "group" became anointed before all of them died out.

    That first "group" did not observe and understand the events of 1812, or 1776, or 1492. It observed and understood the events of 1914.

    What I can't figure out is why the WT, after so much effort in jettisoning "1914" from "the generation", and succeeeding between 1995 and 2010, went back to tying it 1914 again? It seemed they had found an exit from painting themselves into a corner, then went right ahead and painted over that exit as well.

  • AnnOMaly

    What I can't figure out is why the WT, after so much effort in jettisoning "1914" from "the generation", and succeeeding between 1995 and 2010, went back to tying it 1914 again? It seemed they had found an exit from painting themselves into a corner, then went right ahead and painted over that exit as well.

    LOL! Well expressed!

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